
By Anonymous - 04/12/2023 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my boss brought his son in as our new manager. This kid has zero experience in our industry and yet waltzed into a £75,000 job where his sole responsibility is telling me how to do a skilled job I started before he was born. Plus half the stuff he tries to tell me is incorrect. Cretin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 729
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

have the kid email you his bad instructions and follow them. when shit hits the fan you have proof.

angeleyes0724 10


ODBeefalo 10

Given that doing as he says is out of the question, the only 2 options are keep doing your job right, or talk to your boss and let them know you are being given bad information and instructions that could really hurt both production and the company, and that the new kid needs a bit of time apprenticing before he takes charge, and say he has the heart to go far, he just needs to training. managers love hearing their untrained kids are great, and that they could be even greater...

have the kid email you his bad instructions and follow them. when shit hits the fan you have proof.

angeleyes0724 10

Start looking for a better job. Then when you find it - Quit and walk away.

Pretty typical, most managers aren't expected to be able to do the skilled work of the people they supervise. It's one of the reasons he's only making 75k. Try to keep emails and other documentation of what he wants you to do if you suspect this is going to be a problem.