By Idiocracy - 24/04/2009 04:36 - United States

Today, my boss confessed to me that she doesn't know how to change the staples in the staplers at work, so she just switches them when they run out. We work at an office supply store. She makes six figures. I make $10 an hour. And she just got awarded a trip to Aruba for doing a "great job". FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 457
You deserved it 3 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I seriously doubt that anyone working at a supply store makes a six figure salary.

i'm sure theres more to the job than things like that


God. I hate that there's one of those at every workplace.

i'm sure theres more to the job than things like that

Dukedj 0

Sadly, that's how upper management works these days. Everyone is stupid, just the stupider people make it up top.

#4 - even truer if you work at a corporation owned by Wal-Mart.

You don't have to be book smart to make millions. Street smarts goes a long way. Lucky maybe? Next time i'm working on my bad site I'll remember that I can put staples In a stapler.

KeithHarris 0

That will teach ya not to go to school damnit. Now next time just sleep your way to the top like her and you'll go far!!!! :-D

I seriously doubt that anyone working at a supply store makes a six figure salary.

Is this boss of your better than you at being: Nice, a people person, an excellent customer service representative, a leader, a businessman / businesswoman? How much longer has she worked there than you have? Is this stapler issue just an example of many similar problems she has, or is it just one thing out of thousands that she just somehow managed to miss out on? Sometimes people don't learn something small. That doesn't make them a bad boss, or their work as whole any less effective. Or are you just jealous your not going to Aruba?

8 my store manager makes 95k to 105k a year. Double that if the store goes 110% in an area. Not sure what it is exactly.