By failedmusician - 03/06/2009 10:06 - New Zealand

Today, my band went to play a set for the first time. I'm the drummer. All was going well, and then before our first song I threw the sticks in the air, went to catch them, and one hit me right in the eye. I couldn't continue playing. Now I have to wear an eyepatch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 711
You deserved it 59 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Learn to spin them around in your hands if you can't catch them.

Let's hope you guys are a pirate themed band. Arrrggghhh. =X


now you added to the look of your band with the eye patch :D eh eh?

Goomba5000 0

Go celebrate at ARRby's. Get a cARRamel apple. Somebody had to say it.

haganbmj 0

Well, get the rest of your band to wear eye-patches and you can go full out pirate themed.

lovebuggy 0

Did you think you were cool or something?

Dude123456789 2

why did everyone put that u deserved it?! for all u fags out there who think he deserved it, let me tell u that drummers do that

They say a man should always dress for the job he wants So why am I dressed up like a pirate in this restaurant It's all because some hacker stole my identity Now I'm in here every evening serving chowder and ice tea Should'a gone to free credit report dot com [wee haw] I could'a seen this comin' at me like an atom bomb They monitor your credit and send you e-mail alerts So you don't end up selling fish to tourists in t-shirts ARGGGGG YDI

thelarkscaw 0

hmmm sounds just like a play i saw at the new england drama fest this year..

Well I guess now you can call yourself the pirate drummer cuz of the eyepatch But ya ydi

Dude that sucks! I am a drummer and I fell ya man! Even though it has never happened to me before.