By failedmusician - 03/06/2009 10:06 - New Zealand

Today, my band went to play a set for the first time. I'm the drummer. All was going well, and then before our first song I threw the sticks in the air, went to catch them, and one hit me right in the eye. I couldn't continue playing. Now I have to wear an eyepatch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 711
You deserved it 59 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Learn to spin them around in your hands if you can't catch them.

Let's hope you guys are a pirate themed band. Arrrggghhh. =X


HAHA, shouldn't of tried to impress everyone!

shows you right for trying to make yourself look cool ROFL

i know what its like- when i was in the third grade i got a cut in my cornia(eyeball) and i had to wear an eyepatch and have to put 4eye drops in my eye twice a day for two weeks. and i was going to a concert that night. and i missed the most fun week of school- everyone was talking about it when i was at my house trying to watch tv with one eye. FML

U suck! Ha! Thats what u get for thinking your good enough to do that in the middle of a performance. Im a drummer also and thats just stupid.

ohhysteria 0

Just rename the band from whatever it was to 'The Pirates' (:

bosco_kk 0

Wow You should have made a rehersal. It's ok. I dont think I can do it :P