By OytoBeAfather - 16/05/2012 03:05 - United States - Nesconset

Today, my 20-year-old son's external hard-drive stopped working. He's crying on my shoulder now, not because of the movies, porn, work, or music he probably lost, but because of the now irretrievable complete series of Digimon that he'd collected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 975
You deserved it 4 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well who wouldn't cry digimon is awesome.

yoursucklives 36

i understand him. it's like he lost his childhood.


Tell your son about BakaBT. He'll thank you.

FML_14u2c 14

You might be able to recover the data. Either way, always back up your data...

j3ebrules 13

Oh hush baby boy. There's software for crashed hard drive retrieval you know.

muhilrashid 4

Digimon is a alternate version of pokemon both of which are great shows

I'd cry too digimon is de best...especially season one

What a great mother you are! Being too busy to comfort a human being you put into the world, just so you can tell said world that you need to comfort him for losing something he grew up with, is just brilliant! Gosh, wish I was him. (Except for the part where he lost his Digimon, and also that part where his mother thought he should cry over losing **** instead).

Hell yeah, I would cry to, Digimon is the best... Old school cartoons

KingdomKey_ 8