By badmom - 25/02/2012 11:25 - Ireland

Today, my 18-year old son decided to run his hand over our wooden fence to try and get a splinter, as he "forgot what they felt like." Last month, he stabbed himself in the arm with a sewing needle because he "forgot what an injection feels like." I raised this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 101
You deserved it 8 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinkcrayola 0

You know, he could have a problem with self harming and just be using those words with an excuse. Instead of calling him an idiot you should make sure that he's feeling okay.


melissaax13 0

Idk... You're the mom commenting on her "idiot" son in the Internet...

Izabelle47 0

Doesnt that stuff hurt? Ouchhh l!!

Look on the bright side when he's 20 you can kick him out and move on with life

ressa_1428 0

You did a pretty shitty job then, didn't ya? XD jk!

chevy44448888 1

Pornstar!!!!! He's gonna forget what it feels like

zebralover23 14

Lmao, it sounds like something I would do, just not the needle part.

Sensory processing disorder? Otherwise he's an idiot indeed.

Let me guesse dropped on the head as a baby

I suggest inviting him to visit a psychologist. This behavior is abnormal, and is likely an indicator of more serious problems, that could endanger the safety of others and/or himself!