By Anonymous - 14/09/2012 16:51 - United States

Today, my 12 year-old dog died. My boyfriend's attempts to comfort me involved him muttering, "At least she knows how to play dead now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 151
You deserved it 2 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

taniamw 9

Teach your boyfriend how to roll over by hitting him in the balls lol. That was insensitive of him though.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I'm sorry about your dog :( your boyfriend most likely is just really awkward with comforting people and was trying to make you feel better about it, but if he was seriously being a douche then you should rethink your relationship. Even though it's a dog, dogs feel like family to a lot of people and it's an insensitive thing to joke about.


some people jusr dont know how to respond in those situations. cut him some slack. although it was a hilarious comment, it was better kept as a thought. he was trying to make you laugh.

SApprentice 34

I seriously doubt it happened like that. I'm sure you sobbed, and he held you, and was very consoling and loving. You began to recover, and you and him were probably talking about her, and he said that as a joke. He thought it would help. You're making him sound like a terrible person, but I made morbid jokes of my own when I lost my elderly cat. Humor is part of the healing process, and finding a way to laugh about terrible things usually relieves some of the strain. Just... don't hold it against him. We all handle stress differently.

#50, Sorry for your loss. I've lost two elderly cats, and have my own morbid humor. The difference here is that you made jokes about your own loss, not someone else's. BIG difference.

SApprentice 34

No, but my fiance made the jokes, too. He would often start them. We both could laugh about it, because we both loved her. I had her for 17 years, she was my baby and my world. I was capable of seeing the humor when he made the jokes, too. So, it's not really that BIG of a difference, because it still goes both ways. I just thought that OP seemed fairly judgmental over something I'm sure was not as severe as she made it out to be.

Schizomaniac 24

Wow. You were able to deduce all that from the story? You're good.

I always wanted to train my future dog that(:

Knightchaser27 25

That might be one of the worst things he could say

glenna1990 0
simply_elle13 5

he was probably trying to make you laugh. I'm sure he felt bad right after saying that.

Gotta admit this would make most ppl laugh at first

mrsmaglietta 6