By Ann - 31/05/2011 16:47 - United States

Today, my 12 year old cousin decided that "all men are pigs" and deleted every male contact in my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 175
You deserved it 4 900

Same thing different taste


AnonanonAm0s 0

The result of somebody's uncle touching the No-No Zone!

brunettegurly 0
lilmama69 0

she learned just in time ! hopefully she' ll remember that when she's about 16 !

Say"well all women are bitches" then proceed to delete every female in her phone

IrishSoulja 4

I bet shes one of those 12 year olds who have had their hearts broken by their 5up3r haaawt boyfr13ndz!!!!! xoxoxoxo

she is twelve who's guys number does she have?