By Anonymous - 28/05/2017 22:00

Today, while working as a line cook, one of the servers sincerely asked me, "What sauce goes on a chicken bacon ranch sandwich?" I replied, a little incredulously I'll admit, "…Ranch." She then totally lost her cool and went full-blown adult temper tantrum because I was, "mean to her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 698
You deserved it 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RpiesSPIES 27

Normally it's the guests that ask stupid questions like that. I'm impressed. I'd probably reply the same way you did.

I don't think calling ranch a sauce rather than a dressing changes what they meant when they said it. And when someone asks what "sauce" (not "sauces") goes on a certain type of sandwich, I think it's pretty obvious that it's the one that's in the sandwich's name.


RpiesSPIES 27

Normally it's the guests that ask stupid questions like that. I'm impressed. I'd probably reply the same way you did.

Restaurant's are on business you can't be a sensitive brat in. The other staff will eat you alive, and customers will hate you.

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I don't think calling ranch a sauce rather than a dressing changes what they meant when they said it. And when someone asks what "sauce" (not "sauces") goes on a certain type of sandwich, I think it's pretty obvious that it's the one that's in the sandwich's name.

EstrangedWife 3

ranch is in the name. it's like asking what soda is used in a root beer float

nzfireman 14

Some people have bad days lmao

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Your response would have been better than how I would have responded ("Uh... Ranch"). Chances are she lost it due to the embarrassment of asking such an obvious question.

She might have gotten confused and thought it was a bacon sandwich from the Chicken Ranch. And you can just imagine the kind of "sauces" they used on the Chicken Ranch -- whoa, Nellie!!!

was she the crazy server from the movie "waiting"

Sigh, my biggest peeve from the servers is when things would be rung in wrong/not specified then THEY'D bring it back to the kitchen >.>