By smarty - 16/10/2009 21:02 - United States

Today, I bought a safe. I put all of my most prized possessions in it, including all of my jewelry, family heirlooms and important papers. Oh, and just before I locked it up, I put the key to the safe in there too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 613
You deserved it 50 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't you need the key to lock it? If not, shouldn't you at least have a spare? At least now you can use it like those old fashioned piggy banks. Smash it! But in your case, you may need to use a diamond saw.


Don't you need the key to lock it? If not, shouldn't you at least have a spare? At least now you can use it like those old fashioned piggy banks. Smash it! But in your case, you may need to use a diamond saw.

i think you left your brain in there too. or check the kitchen.

suaveneanderthal 0

hey, no one and i mean no one is gonna steal anything out of your safe now!

uhh use the keypad or master lock? go get the spare?

wtf, i didnt even know safes these days HAD keys

ISellHerbs 0

Did anyone consider by "key" he meant maybe a paper with the directions/combination? Other than that I'm calling shenanigans on this one.

yeah i was expecting him to say something like "and today when i came home, i found out that somebody stole my safe" not "and i locked the key in there" im calling fake

spiderman0606 0
its_obl 0

Seriously,aren't they all combination safes?

just break itopen somehow or go to the companies and ask them for a spare key..

ParaplegicPony 0

How can you even lock a safe that uses a key without using the key itself to lock it. Think about it.

Ajjas013 6

you think about it. some safes, like ones in nice hotels for example, will lock immediatly when closed.

I can imagine myself doing that :/ wow that really sucks

iamstupid1243 0
Sun_Kissed18 25

I'm pretty sure they are designed so you can't just easily break it open with common tools. If so then fail safe...

How the heck did you lock it without a key? Any way I'm imagining would've been easy to break into, so the design wouldn't work. :S Either way, take into someplace to get it open. I'd bring proof that it's yours and the stuff inside were yours.


pwnrzero 0

#7: ultimate troll win. (most stupid thing i've heard all day) nuff said. to the op, just go hire some professional to open you're case. i mean, obviously since you have a computer, and you're on, you should be proficient in the art of =D

#7, you must be horrified by the fact that basically everyone in the whole world uses paper. What now?

xoconnie 8
perdix 29

You're almost as retarded as I am!

How'd you lock it if the key was in there?