By Anonymous - 28/10/2009 21:22 - United States

Today, it was my wedding day. I gave a speech about the first time my wife and I met. I said I knew she was the perfect woman for me and it was love at first sight. I looked to my right as she stormed off and then realized I had told a story about my ex-girlfriend who was sitting in the crowd. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 238
You deserved it 93 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shan789mudge 0

I would be so pissed, that is just wrong.


liveBabylon 0

I would cry my eyes out..No not really Just slap you and yell FAIL!!!

ParaplegicPony 0

I agree with #1. Who the **** forgets the first time he met the women he loves? YDI for being a ******* dick.

PleaseGirl 0

I agree with "mylifeisfuckedd". Like, honestly.. Didn't you prepare your speech in advance? I mean common, it's not that hard. And, right after you did that, you should have grown some balls, and ran after her. It's not that hard!

TheScratchyTurtl 0

wait why was your ex sitting in the audience? That seems a bit off. I mean lets not kid ourselves how often does it actually work out well when ex's stay friends even if one gets married. Especially when that ex meant so much to you that you remember her over your ******* wife.

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"...about my exgirlfriend who was sitting in the crowd." Uh, yeah, she was.

the_stereotype 0

umm...what the ****? on your wedding day! people like you should never reproduce.

They are still friends because he is still porking her like a Jimmy Dean sausage.

Reyo 2 must not really love your wife if the first thing that pops up in your mind when asked "How did you two meet" is a story about your ex. And at your wedding? C'mon dude... ...heh...Jimmy Dean sausage.

Well maybe that's why the ex was there; because she meant so much to him...? 0.0

"Looser"? Surely, you mean loser, as "looser" implies the bride was too tight? Not the OP was a loser

inconvienentgurl 0

agreed w/ #55... guessing since you posted this on that you didnt get ur "wife" back? if you did you would be on your honeymoon so you probably would be doing everything to make her happy again instead of posting stuff on a website. and i dont believe this happed cause who would post that on even if it did?? n on ur wedding day?

Love it!! My fave show :) EDIT: I dunno how this ended up here?? was meant for #67

# 74 you fail. # 87 FTW! That is one of my favorite responses of all time and I agree completely.

gz_fml 0

I thought it was his new wife. And he was telling the story at the reception. Maybe I just did not read it well enough though. Still. Jerk.

why did she marry you?!? your an ASS! you totally deserve it for being a **** up...

TheyCallMeThumpe_fml 0

1) your beautiful :) 2) you remind me of Donna fron That 70's Show :D

CloudFox 6

Did you actually want to get married to her?...WTF

shan789mudge 0

I would be so pissed, that is just wrong.

Jbiebs82 0

So when did you settle the divorce?


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youre stupid. whats fml for then if u dont publish the best stories

testing_fml 0

Agreed. FML is way more important than real life.

Oh, come on! You HAVE to put 'Today' at the start of an FML. This could have happened a week ago. I'm pretty sure this didn't happen, his wife starts crying and storming away, and he went 'Oh, godddd... FML time.' Anyway, not **** your life. Actually, yes. **** your life for being a TOTAL MORON. **** HER life for getting this far with you, you total moron. You deserve it for being such a dick, but also your life is ******... for being such a dick.

My grandma mixes up stories about her first husband and her current husband all the time. Hopefully she'll forgive you. But yeah, you want to make sure your wedding speech is about the right person before the wedding.

laurr_rawrs 0

@8: yeah, but that's your grandma. she's probs a tad senile at her age... as for the op, you deserved it. damnnnnn.

geetface 0

Even if she's not senile, I read that with the implication that it's ok for women to **** that up but not men.

Where the hell did you get that from? She said "hopefully she forgives you". Paranoid?

True, it's my grandma. But I'm just saying it happens to people. I'm sure it happens to many other people much younger than my grandma too. And no, I wasn't implying that it's okay for women to do that and not for men to. All I wanted to say was that it happens. OP, I hope that by now you and your wife talked it out. Congrats on the marriage, despite the mess-up during the wedding.

TenebrificTurtle 0

The girl at the wedding has a right to be pissed. All that work and the guy can't get the stories right? It just seems like there is more to it, or if not, then the ex being in the audience might have made her paranoid anyways. Yeah, there seems to be this floating idea that women are so spacey they mess up but men always have to be in control. I am sorry that happened and I hope it works out Op, sucks it ruined your wedding. But think about how your wife must feel. "He still loves her, he ruined our day, I am not as important to him." Sure she might just be pissed and get over it, but you need to show her she is the woman you love and married. If you don't solve it now it will lead to divorce with this as the foundation for every time you disappoint her. I am not saying she is shallow like that, but if this stays unsaid she might feel like you don't really love her... or not. I don't know your wife, I just don't want this to turn into two people who obviously/hopefully love each other losing out on something over a dispute that happened ten years ago... if you guys last that long

Flutist 3
testing_fml 0
testing_fml 0

Only if he wanted to be happily married to the one he was there to marry.

MiddleChild08 0

Why was your ex at your wedding? There is no way my fiance is having his ex at our wedding. And how could you confuse the first time you met your wife with the first time you met your ex? Definite fail on your part...I doubt it was intentional, but should keep your memories straight. If you really love your wife, you wouldn't even be thinking about your ex or how you met. I have dated a lot of guys, and I can tell you exactly how I met my fiance, and the other guys I just remember them and where I knew them from, not the very first time I met them...Major fail on your part...F your life as a newly wedded man...

sheheartsthings 0

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MiddleChild08 0

I trust him completely, and I'm not a jealous person. If he were friends with any of them then they would be more than welcome to come to my wedding. But he is not friends with any of them, by his choice, and so they will not be there. I have tried to get him to be friends with one of his exes, because they were great friends before they dated, and he won't do it. He doesn't want to be put in a situation where someone will see them hanging out together and then go run and tell everyone that he is cheating on me. Me and him have been best friends since 5th grade, and I trust him more than anyone. It's his choice that he isn't friends with them. It would be different if he were friends with them, but he's not. None of my exes will be there either, and I'm friends with some of them. So it's not a trust or jealousy thing. Also, if his ex was to be there, and he did what the OP did, then I would be thinking that they were a little more than just friends.

Just my 2 boyfriend went to his ex-wife's wedding (a few months ago). They're still really good friends and still very much in each other's lives... I do have to say the OP should've maybe thought that through more though =x!

MiddleChild08 0

umm, last summer he was at wal-mart with his cousin, and one of friends saw him and told everyone that he was cheating on me. maybe people wouldn't accuse you of that, but where i'm from gossip is gold and people tell first and ask questions later. they see a guy with a girl who is not his girlfriend, and that automatically means he's cheating on her. it may not be true, but that's how people see it where i'm from. and you don't know the whole story behind our relationship, so don't judge and call it a cop out when i say that he doesn't want to be put in that situation. that's just how my fiance is. he chooses not to hang out with other girls, even though i have told him time and time again that it isn't a problem, that i trust him. understandable that the op and the ex were friends, but apparently they were too good of friends, that the moment they met was more special then when him and his wife met. and honestly, what woman wants her husbands ex at their wedding, unless she is friends with her too?

Flutist 3

Middle, I think I have to agree, sure people gossip but that is not always the case. It seems like the Op must have been friends with the ex or wanted to show her how happy he is without her. Either way he has ruined his life because he cannot keep his stories straight. Your fiance is probably smart for doing that. We don't know the story, but perhaps there is a reason he doesn't hang around with them, perhaps he knows his weaknesses and would cheat on you. I don't know. I understand small towns but I also want them to die painful deaths. But in this case Op screwed up. I agree, I am not really all that curious about your life. It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself that your husband/fiance is GOLD. He is human honey.

SilenceIsSilver 0

Give her a break!! I hate people that put other people down just to make themselves feel better, It's pathetic!