By buttercup92 - 14/03/2016 01:41 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I called to see if my bridesmaid's dress was ready. They told me it had already been picked up, the bride's mom picked up the dress and got rid of it because she doesn't want me in the wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 601
You deserved it 1 266

buttercup92 tells us more.

Hi! I'm the OP. I did pay for the dress, and after talking to the store they are replacing he dress free of charge. Apparently this has happened several times. You would think that they would start making sure you're the person supposed to be picking up the dress. The bride has apologized for her mom. (I think the mom should apologize not the bride) Right now she's not talking to her mom. As for why she doesn't like me, I have no idea. She's always been so nice to me until this incident. Luckily the wedding isn't until July so we have time. Sorry for the long reply! Thanks everyone!

Top comments

Oh wow I hope the bride has something to say about that. Some people have zero tact

I'm sorry about that. Weddings bring the worst out in some people.


I'm sorry about that. Weddings bring the worst out in some people.

ViviMage 38

And telling you like a rational human being is out why? Beware of the Momzilla!

She probably did tell her, but it's not her choice. It's the bride's.

Rammer3500 23

Ouch. Sounds like a heck of a mother

Oh wow I hope the bride has something to say about that. Some people have zero tact

Don't be didressed, just talk to her about it.

Your dress got thrown out by some cow who doesn't want you in the wedding... But don't be distressed!

Actually, you can be as distressed as you want as long as it never crosses over into being didressed. THAT would be uncalled for.

She has every right to be distressed-- shes been dis-dressed

I recently got yelled at by the brides mother for having a beer 4 hours before the wedding with the groom. fun times

I'm curious to know why or if it was just a psychopathic bitch moment. Still FML for ya OP

Please don't tell me its on the day of the wedding

The entire dress process (picking the style, color

My phone is a piece of shit. What I was trying to say was, the entire dress process (picking the style, color, designer, etc) is done several weeks, even months before the actual wedding day. So when the dress arrives you can make the final touches if it needs to be done.

Thanks for clearing that up, i guess if you're not familiar with something you get down voted for some reason

its just what happens these days- it also seems to be the same if you have two comments, but idk