By Anonymous - 11/05/2012 00:28 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. I was heading back to my apartment and I heard noises behind the front door. Assuming it was the surprise party I'd hinted at, I flicked on the lights… as two heavy guys pushed past me. I was robbed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 550
You deserved it 2 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kevinn95 0

Ohhh no they stole ur surprise party?

That's awful! I'm so sorry op! Happy birthday (:


Poor fella. I'll throw you a surprise birthday:)

atrion 4

Ok what the heck, why are there like 400 YDIs???? What did he do to deserve it at all???

spongbobsyellow 1
mjzgirl1995 6

Happy birthday hope you had a better day (:

Well, you still got your surprise, didn't you?

Happy birthday OP, I know what you must be going thru.. I had similar experience in the past and I was distort with feelings of other people going thru my stuff. time is a great healer.