By Happy 20th! - 28/07/2010 05:48 - United States

Today, it's my 20th birthday! Happy birthday to me! My boyfriend threw a beer can through my back wind-shield after breaking up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 788
You deserved it 4 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BananaSticker 0

I can only hope my 20th birthday is as cool as yours OP. Here's a banana sticker as your birthday present from me, though. :]


leannpaige 0

well, what did u do for him to do that?

MoJoThundRpants 0

it coulda been worse, he coulda slashed your tires so you wouldn't leave

Call the police so they can take a report. They will probably refer you to the district attorney's office. If not, there's Legal Aid. He shouldn't get away with the window.

c8750 2

how could almost 1300 of u say she deserved it. how is it possible to deserve having a beer can thrown @ you and your window broken. happy birthday op. find yourself a good man