By yeah_im_mad_bro - 24/09/2011 00:32 - Canada

Today, it's been a week since my little brother took up his new hobby of posting "cool story, bro" in reply to almost every Facebook status and comment that I make. Not only do I already want to smash his face against a brick wall, my parents will ground me if I defriend any family members. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 202
You deserved it 5 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well, you could block him, because it's technically not defriending him, meaning that you could potentially get around your parent's rules.

You can hide your posts from him. He will still be your friend but he won't be able to comment or see an posts you make.

shootxtoxkill172 0

you can block him. its not deleting so you should be fine

MrLefty 8

Go to your privacy settings and go to the "Ho can see your posts" and block your brothers name

abasio 1

I can get Hoes to see my posts? Awesome.

a_nutritionist 10

my life has never been better since i ticked that box to allow ho's to see my posts

MrLefty 8

Ugh stupid f*cking iPod keyboard....>_< "*Who..."

cherry_blossom 0

Hahaha...I'm gonna do that to my little brother.

How can you get grounded for defriending him? I denied my moms request and nothing happened

leahhmaeeful 0

put him on the restricted list. then he will not be able to see your statuses