By tutusaurus - 28/08/2012 14:16 - United States - Salinas
Same thing different taste
By Oh - 22/03/2016 22:36 - United States - Winterville
By Alone - 06/05/2013 14:24 - United States - Chapel Hill
Anonymous is typing…
By Anonymous - 02/05/2023 05:00 - United Kingdom - Hounslow
No thanks
By StratMan - 28/05/2011 16:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/04/2009 19:21 - United States
Tainted Love
By Anonymous - 05/10/2010 21:27 - United States
By alphabetman - 14/09/2009 09:56 - United States
And they call it puppy love…
By Anonymous - 20/09/2023 01:00 - Brazil - Sao Jose do Rio Preto
Too late
By lynxstorm - 17/11/2009 04:13 - United States
By blaze - 17/02/2010 00:00 - United States
Top comments
Some chicks are into getting beat, and or choked
What a lucky guy.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayWhy shouldn't he write a letter in cursive?
Most of the time I don't find it hard to read at all. Exceptions for when the person's handwriting is just awful of course but that applies regardless of whether or not they write in cursive.
But no one can read a doctor prescription
Maybe you should have sent him a letter in Comic Sans font.
Being in an abusive relationship is most often an endless cycle, he will continue to break her down and apologize for it, treat her like a queen for a few days then go on months of abuse again. I'm sorry you fell in love with someone who is in this cycle, it's best to move on rather than getting hurt every time she runs to you for a day and back to him for months.
OP , she's clearly stupid for choosing some abusive asshole over someone who would cherish her . Maybe it would be smart to look elsewhere . There's plenty of fish in the sea . You'll find your mermaid (:
I feel so bad for u. Shes a bitch..
Well if she's that dumb, you can definately do better.
Wow, thats what I call absurd! Don't worry op you will find someone who will appreciate everything you do
Definitely* It's only an FML if you continue to pursue her. Dumb chicks stay with guys like that all the time for equally dumb reasons. Find a woman with an education. You're better off.
He can do better, but did he think to read it to her in person or would it not help?
How can you say he deserves better? It doesn't sound like he does to me. He sounds like the stereotypical "Nice Guy" who thinks that because he acts like a good friend to a girl that he's somehow entitled to a romantic advancement of the friendship. If he really wanted to get in this girls head and out of the abusive relationship, writing her some corny "love letter" and essentially going, "ditch that zero and get with the hero, babe." is the wrong way to go about it. It sounds to me like he doesn't care so much that she got back with her ex because he's an abusive asshole, but that she got back together with him even though she had, in his mind, a better option right in front of her.
94 I meant to thumb you down the fact that I pressed the wrong button is frustrating . Have a nice day !(:
If her boyfriend is abusive, she might not be able to get out of it. Maybe have some sympathy? :/
she can always get out of it, it's hard but not as hard as she might think. Help is out there, but only she can act on it.
perfect analysis. 'good guys' aren't always what they seem!
121, I do have sympathy for the girl. My best friend is caught in an abusive relationship right now and it breaks my heart to see what she's going through. But you better believe that any guy who tried to get her to break up with her current asshole to be with them would put my guard up. All I'm saying is that OP should be trying to talk this girl out of the abusive relationship because it's abusive and she deserves better treatment, not because he feels like he's a better option. And can you honestly tell me that the tone of this FML doesn't reek of, "God, she's so dumb. And lazy. I'm so totally better than that guy. Why can't she see that?"? Because that's what it sounds like to me, and that doesn't sound like a guy who "deserves better". It sound like a guy who needs an attitude check.
I can't read cursive and I'm not dumb !
Honesty is the best policy :D
I think you're on the wrong FML.
Welcome to the idiot minds of girls! Even though she can't read cursive she still had the song to listen to. I just think she liked getting abused..
Nowhere in that FML does it say anything about a song... Someone else needs to learn to read ;) and you beat me too it... Great minds think alike
Song? Well you obviously would know since you were there
Misread... Dang!
And this is not my sister. I'm her brother using her account... So lay off the insult. Honest misread.
48- oh is that what happened?
The idiot mind belongs to the one who thinks people like getting abused. And YDI a little OP for not just talking to her in person if you wanted her that bad. Or still not talking to her now and allowing her to continue to be abused. May have lost the battle but not necessarily the war!
Holy ****, another "It was my sibling! Don't blame me for being a dumbass!" excuse? When will you people learn to just own your mistake, learn from it, and move on? NO ONE BELIEVES YOU.
DocBastard, I actually had to thumbs you down. You misread as well, he didn't say he wasn't responsible, he just was clarifying that he wasn't the girl in the profile pic. Still stupid, but for different reasons.
KMtheDrummer - Reread #41. Oh never mind, I'll quote it: "...this is not my sister. I'm her brother using her account." I'm not sure what comment you're talking about.
Doc- I think it is an honest mistake on lively's part. If you read his first comment.. Quote "welcome to idiot minds of girls." Its quite possible that he used his sister account as her sister being a girl, wouldn't generalize girls. And when will people start to believe in others, forgive and move on. And here I thought its a beautiful place to live to, but we will go out of way to insult and target for such a small mistake.
Who cares
this is the real owner of this account... Do You think I would insult Another just because she decided to go back to her abusive ex?? I'm not that kind of girl. And I'm glad my brother clarified that he was using my account because he knows I won't post a reply like that. Whether you believe it or not is your problem, but don't call my brother an idiot.
That comment was for #98 and the others.
I think everyone here makes excellent points and that we've all learned some valuable lessons about the magic of friendship an power of love. LOVE!
Lively12 - People insult other people here for the smallest reason, and commenters have used this excuse countless times to try to get out of making a stupid comment. But if it truly was your brother, then I owe you an apology.
Re-wright it!
It is write my good sir, write. :)
Maybe you should re-WRITE that comment
Why would we re-Wright it? The Wright brothers were inspirational figures in history-- I'm just kidding. Go back to English class please.
I can understand mixing up right and write, but WRIGHT? Really, go back to English class.
Mabe u should rewright it into a sowng and sail it. U kould maki sum monie
Send it in text language.. .
Haha easy guys Auto-corrects get us all!
Yes. It autocorrected to wright. Your hands don't go anywhere near the 'g' or the 'h' when typing write. Stop making excuses.
123 - yessss!
I doubt you were EX-pecting that one...
Nice try....but that was dumb.
155 - I never said it was clever.

Well if she's that dumb, you can definately do better.
What a lucky guy.