By WOCOACH - 09/09/2009 19:33 - United States

Today, I woke up to my 8 month old son happy as can be. I could hear him laughing over the monitor. When I walked into the room, he had somehow got his diaper off and was holding onto his new found penis. He thought it was hysterical when it went off and shot urine everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 888
You deserved it 5 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, how it shot from his member like a geyser from the earth Covering the room with the bittersweet aroma of piss The drip on the walls, it running down his balls Oh the majestic beauty, splendor precipitating

lol he painted the room yellow, a perfect baby color.


lobby0ne 0

LMFAO that made my day haha, what a cute kid

How is this an FML, this is probably the best day your kid's had in his entire life at this point. Good for the little bugger and may he play with his wee for many decades to come

im sorry but i think thats so cute and hilarious....whats so FML about it???

kewl92 0

umm why the hell is this an fml? kids do stuff...

dayumm.... i wonder what he's gonna be like when he grows up.

Worst FML of all time. Harden the **** up you imbecile.

You know I'm starting to get kinda tired of all the people using FML to post their funny stories. Why the hell are you using FML? I'm sure there are tons of servers dedicated to cute / funny stories. This just doesn't belong here.