By Lost5dollars - 08/08/2017 14:00 - United States - Worcester

Today, I woke up to a bunch of missed calls from a number I didn't know. I had called an Uber in my sleep. They charged a cancellation fee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 144
You deserved it 1 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might want to put your phone somewhere away from where you sleep to prevent that from happening again. That or look into some sort of app or program that will keep your brain from being able to finish an order without you being awake.

I hope it was a 5-Star dream, because that stunt got you a 1-Star rating as a rider.


Might want to put your phone somewhere away from where you sleep to prevent that from happening again. That or look into some sort of app or program that will keep your brain from being able to finish an order without you being awake.

I hope it was a 5-Star dream, because that stunt got you a 1-Star rating as a rider.

debbyman13 21

Fun fact: we drivers can't rate people who we cancel on or cancel on us. At least in my city

Next time you need to Gett some sleep to give yourself a Lyft, you better hide your phone. I know you can get in trouble Via your sleep; Juno that? If you goCatch a Cabify, Uber won't have to pay in advance. Maybe you should GoCar or GO-JEK. If the driver is good, she won't Careem from curb to curb like she has Wingz. Fasten your seatbelt if you're going to GrabTaxi, it's EasyTaxi, easy I'm telling you.

gobiteme2 34
BusterM 2


Do you know what "puns" are? It's a bunch of travel apps used as puns. But yeah, it is trying way too hard.

Just think: all that time you spent making that, you could have been doing something constructive.

Bubbles77777 11

If ur sleep how did u tell them to get you?

They didn't literally call and speak with anyone... they just ordered a ride by touching all the wrong buttons in the app!

If you used a credit card try a chargeback.

How does anyone manage to call an Uber in their sleep???