By anonymous001 - 08/01/2013 19:58 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I went to the movies with my crush, who had asked me out on a date. Assuming he'd pay, I left my money at home. When the time came to buy the tickets, he only bought one for himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 920
You deserved it 68 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Contrary to popular belief it's ignorant to be so confident in this "rule" that you don't bring your own money, I believe it was totally deserved in this case. This doesn't mean I don't believe the guy should pay though so don't get confused.


That jerk he should have paid for you I fight with my girlfriend to get her to let me pay it leaves me broke but happy I'm sorry op find a guy worth the time and make it count :/

geez there's no reason it's the guy that should pay. Not 1940 anymore. We women aren't kids

If the guy asks the guy pays simple as that it's polite and considerate

My mama told my sisters don't ever leave the house without any money and a fully charged phone. It's not just about paying for you it's about keeping your self safe in case something could happen. Especially on first dates you don't know him he don't know you.

I think usually whoever asks should pay. If a guy asks me out, I offer to pay my part but they usually won't let me. If I ask him out, I insist on paying.

lisakin 13

He was kind of a jerk for doing that but ydi for not bringing your own money. You asked him out, you should pay for at least your part. He didn't have to go on the date with you.

I think we can all pretty much agree that even if he was paying, you should never leave your wallet at home. That's just not smart

KaiCer0 8

Sorry OP gotta put that one on you. Never assume someone will pay for you regardless of the situation. Always ALWAYS bring money just in case.

4ugu4 7

Should've had him open the exit for u so that u could sneak in. But overall, he should've paid.

You invite someone you pay she should not have had too

It sucks he didn't pay but that's no excuse for leaving your money at home.....