By ItsJustMe1616 - 15/06/2014 05:13 - United States

Today, I went to spend my last $50 on gas, since I get paid in 5 days. I paid for the gas and stepped into the restroom briefly. I came out, only to discover that the attendant had put the gas on the wrong pump, and someone had used it for themselves. My tank is empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 425
You deserved it 6 615

ItsJustMe1616 tells us more.

This situation got a lot more difficult before it got better. For starters, in hindsight I know I should've started pumping my gas first before going to the bathroom but I've done this plenty of times before and never had this problem (and I really had to go lol). As a side note, I live in Colorado and I have never seen a full service gas station anywhere in my state. And for the couple people calling me stupid about my "lack of a budget", I bought my dad a nice Father's Day gift and so after paying all my bills I was left with basically nothing. The attendant refused to admit that he had put it on the wrong pump so I called the company (Shell for those wondering) and they had the store GM come out to avoid getting the police involved. It took him an hour to show up and the attendant was being an ass the whole time. Cameras showed the GM that the attendant made the mistake (even though he was still trying to deny it). Finally after about 2 hours the GM filled my tank up and gave me a gas card for the 50 as an apology. And he ended up firing the attendant for his lack of professionalism. Sorry for the long reply everyone but thanks for the good wishes and taking the time to share your input! Definitely going to pump my gas first next time.

Top comments

They must be able to give you a refund? Otherwise, complain to the manager, which will make the attendant post a FML!

Why didn't you pump your gas before using the restroom? Even if they put it on the right pump, someone could have walked up and taken the gas.


Today, I got fired from my job because I accidentally put gas In the wrong tank of someone's car. The douchebag told my manager. I was a gas pump attendant btw. FML

Siettadulce 21

Couldn't they have refunded you your money since it was their fault or no?

Qwermy 16

you live in New Jersey, don't you?

screw that i hope you got your gas and or money back. Thats bull.

Did you tell them? That happened to me once and I just told the attendant. All he did was have the other person pay for the gas and you get yours

That's their fault. Should have nothing to worry about

On one hand, I think you're an idiot for walking away and going to the bathroom. The attendant might've assumed you had someone else pumping the gas for you and prepaid that pump. On the other hand, the attendant should've made note of where you went and what vehicle you got out of. Either way, if the prepay was incorrect, the attendant wouldn't "eat it", they would just take the money from the customer that used your prepay and use it to redo yours. I sincerely doubt you left that store without your money's worth of gas.

acerredrum 23

No, if the attendant was in ANY way shape, form, or fashion confused about what OP wanted he should have waited until OP got out and asked him. In the service industry you don't just assume what the customer wants, you ask.

Us attendants have other things to worry about then seeing who gets out of what car. Like, I dont know.. Cleaning the store up... Making coffee... Dealing with other customers. We don't sit there and stare out the window like lonely puppies waiting for someone to pull in.

I'm also a gas attendant, although my location is a small one, ad I don't have to deal with most of what you've listed. The point I'm trying to make here is that the OP most likely didn't leave without the gas they paid for. If it was our mistake, then obviously we're going to fix it.

@140; The customer asked him to prepay a pump. The attendant did. What happened between when the customer prepaid and left the store isn't up to the attendant to watch.

Did you not read the part where the attendant put the pre-pay on the wrong pump? Then someone came along and used it? How is the attendant going to get money from someone who got free gas and then left? Why would OP submit an FML if he easily resolved the issue, got his gas, and left?

truly sorry to hear OP.. hope u made it through

akakennedy 16

So why not have the attendant put the money of the guy that got free gas into your pump? A basic switcheroo would do!

My guess is that the gas pumper saw it come up without having to pay and took advantage of it. Can't reimburse OP without the necessary funds. :/

Well scratch that. I guess OP can and, according to law/protocol, should be payed's a shame not everything else works that way.

WinterBlue42 22

I'm hoping the OP gets their money back. That is partly why there are cameras, besides normal theft and security. Filing a dispute is your best option if they are not helpful. (That is why I use a card to pay, in case of things like this.)