By ItsJustMe1616 - 15/06/2014 05:13 - United States

Today, I went to spend my last $50 on gas, since I get paid in 5 days. I paid for the gas and stepped into the restroom briefly. I came out, only to discover that the attendant had put the gas on the wrong pump, and someone had used it for themselves. My tank is empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 425
You deserved it 6 615

ItsJustMe1616 tells us more.

This situation got a lot more difficult before it got better. For starters, in hindsight I know I should've started pumping my gas first before going to the bathroom but I've done this plenty of times before and never had this problem (and I really had to go lol). As a side note, I live in Colorado and I have never seen a full service gas station anywhere in my state. And for the couple people calling me stupid about my "lack of a budget", I bought my dad a nice Father's Day gift and so after paying all my bills I was left with basically nothing. The attendant refused to admit that he had put it on the wrong pump so I called the company (Shell for those wondering) and they had the store GM come out to avoid getting the police involved. It took him an hour to show up and the attendant was being an ass the whole time. Cameras showed the GM that the attendant made the mistake (even though he was still trying to deny it). Finally after about 2 hours the GM filled my tank up and gave me a gas card for the 50 as an apology. And he ended up firing the attendant for his lack of professionalism. Sorry for the long reply everyone but thanks for the good wishes and taking the time to share your input! Definitely going to pump my gas first next time.

Top comments

They must be able to give you a refund? Otherwise, complain to the manager, which will make the attendant post a FML!

Why didn't you pump your gas before using the restroom? Even if they put it on the right pump, someone could have walked up and taken the gas.


Well the gas station still has to fill up your tank. Don't let them get away with it. Do full service gas stations still exists?

I bet the attendant did it for the right pump, and someone took advantage while they were in the restroom. Those hoses can reach pretty far. I say YDI for not immediately filling your tank!

This situation got a lot more difficult before it got better. For starters, in hindsight I know I should've started pumping my gas first before going to the bathroom but I've done this plenty of times before and never had this problem (and I really had to go lol). As a side note, I live in Colorado and I have never seen a full service gas station anywhere in my state. And for the couple people calling me stupid about my "lack of a budget", I bought my dad a nice Father's Day gift and so after paying all my bills I was left with basically nothing. The attendant refused to admit that he had put it on the wrong pump so I called the company (Shell for those wondering) and they had the store GM come out to avoid getting the police involved. It took him an hour to show up and the attendant was being an ass the whole time. Cameras showed the GM that the attendant made the mistake (even though he was still trying to deny it). Finally after about 2 hours the GM filled my tank up and gave me a gas card for the 50 as an apology. And he ended up firing the attendant for his lack of professionalism. Sorry for the long reply everyone but thanks for the good wishes and taking the time to share your input! Definitely going to pump my gas first next time.

Seems like a reasonable resolution to it all, though it sucks it took two hours stuck there to get it resolved!

I am glad that they fired that asshole! What a prick. In the end all went well for you. :)

Glad it got resolved, OP! There are some stations with full-service options, but I'm not sure where you live (they're some of the Conocos in central Denver). I'm not sure why people would recommend that option, though, since it's more expensive than self-service. Gas prices are obviously a joke anyway if you needed $50 to fill your tank.

While I still think you deserve it (only a little) for not going to the bathroom first and THEN paying for the gas, I'm glad that the situation was resolved successfully, and that you got your money back as well as a full tank. Lesson learned for the next time, and hey someone else got a free tank of gas, so maybe a little good karma is in your future too!

Yeah I'm glad it worked out too. I live an hour away from my work on the highway so this could've been really bad honestly. I sent this in well before things even started getting resolved so I know now it isn't exactly a FML anymore. At the moment I sent this in though, I was panicked lol being an avid FML follower, one of the first things that popped into my head was "this sounds like something I would see on FML" lol and hey, I guess I ended up being right! Oh and at 121 I live around Lakewood.

jazzy_123 20

I wonder what story the attendant will tell since thy couldn't admit to their mistake they might not admit to the truth of the firing x)

Yay for Colorado people! :3 I've lived here for my whole entire 20 (and a half. Almost.) years of life. I'm glad it worked out for you in the end, though the attendant really should have just owned up to the mistake instead of lying about it.

Revised version of your FML: Today, some asshole gas station worker tried to cheat me out of $50 of gas because he wouldn't fess up to making a mistake, wasting two hours of my life. FML

Glad it all worked out for you! I didn't read all the comments, but think it was out of line for people to criticize you for being broke. Not everyone is able to have a "cushion". There are many of us living paycheck to paycheck nowadays and for various reasons that don't have anything to do with being irresponsible. As a single mom who works full time and goes to school part time, I can relate. I would have freaked if this had happened to me.

As a fellow Coloradan, I can most certainly say there aren't any full service stations near Lakewood. This really sucks, OP, but look on the bright side! Free full tank, and that's huge since gas prices are just bellow $3.50 a gallon!

The stations with full-service options that I've seen are far enough from Lakewood that you'd really waste gas trying to get to and from there! This was a real FML before it got resolved anyway, shouldn't have had to call corporate to get it resolved. I hope your dad liked his gift, and to everybody criticizing you for having a tight budget or going to the bathroom, lucky them for having camel bladders and bottomless checking accounts.

If you go to Oregon every single gas station is full service, I don't know but every time I go I feel pampered

ThatOneGuy719 16

I've lived in Colorado all my life and only have seen one full service gas station.. And that was in Alamosa, I'm not even sure if that gas station is around anymore lol

The ones I know about are in the Cap Hill/Cherry Creek neighborhoods in Denver. And it's just one or two pumps that are full-service, not the whole stations. It's also not that clearly advertised...I only found out when I pulled into the single open pump at one of them, only to have an attendant come out and ask me how I'd like to pay. He must've seen the confused look on my face, because he explained the situation before I wound up paying an extra 10 cents a gallon. I haven't seen any in other parts of the state, though. I live in Eagle, however, which isn't nearly as upscale as other parts of the county it shares a name with, so maybe I just haven't stumbled across any more.

I'm so glad it worked out for you. Good on you for staying put and filing the complaint. Here in Australia you pump first and then pay for what you've pumped.

For 3.50 USD I would get a tad more than 1.5 litres of gas here in Germany...

That attendant is a total ass even when he knew he was wrong he still had the nerve to try and deny it

WinterBlue42 22

I'm very glad you didn't roll over, and MADE them fix the mistake! Like I said in a comment on here, I use a check card most of the time, to avoid potential issues. Like, say. . And attendant trying to give you $4 of gas for $100. :p

For people in Sweden, that's a bargain! We have to pay almost double the amount to fill up the tank.

Gravenmuir 18

I'm glad all of this worked out for you! I hope you don't run out of gas again before you get paid!

I expect to see the full story, dialog and all, on NotAlwaysWorking! Please! I need more details!

bobbyguy 17

Normally when I hear about people getting fired I feel bad for them but I don't feel bad for the attendant getting fired. He deserved that. He was to stubborn to admit his mistake. I hate people like that.

well that was nice of them and glad that attendant got what he deserved. Glad everything worked out for you :D

I'm just wondering how they were able to verify that the attendant made the mistake via video. Did you point to a pump that only had one side? Was there audio on the tape as well? I'm glad you finally got the situation resolved, however they determined you were telling the truth.

Hey. It was kind of a good think because you got a free tank out of it!

Hope you made them reapply it OP. If they screwed up, you shouldn't be out paying $50 for someone else's gas

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

Then make the attendant pay for it. It wasn't your fault that he isn't competent enough to work a gas station.

This is why I would never move to A very specific state whose name I can't for the life of me remember how to spell but it starts with an O. You have to be certified to pump gas in that state at least the last I heard you do and as a result you have attendants at the stations. Of course I always check and make sure my gauge actually reads that I have added gas before I take off anyway. But that sucks that you are out $50 over such a mistake.

I think you're talking about Oregon. And yes it's illegal to pump your own gas there. But at least it's a state with no sales tax :)

pjsmamasan 10

how did they not refund you? rude...

How is him putting the gas on the wrong pump your problem? Talk to the manager and. Tell him to fix the situation or you'll phone the head office.

The gas station I work at, we go to the customer who pumped the gas, and ask them to pay back the gas they just received, it's happened to me 2 times in the 2.5 years I've been there, and both times the person realized they got someone else's gas and paid said person their money. We are human, and mistakes happen. But you wanna make sure that you get the gas on YOUR pump? Don't just point and guess, actually look for the number that's on your pump, and tell the cashier exactly what pump you're on. People that don't know what pump they're on irritate the cashier. Not our jobs to know what pump you pulled up to.

That's a pretty big mistake the attendant made, I hope you got your money back.