By ItsJustMe1616 - 15/06/2014 05:13 - United States

Today, I went to spend my last $50 on gas, since I get paid in 5 days. I paid for the gas and stepped into the restroom briefly. I came out, only to discover that the attendant had put the gas on the wrong pump, and someone had used it for themselves. My tank is empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 425
You deserved it 6 615

ItsJustMe1616 tells us more.

This situation got a lot more difficult before it got better. For starters, in hindsight I know I should've started pumping my gas first before going to the bathroom but I've done this plenty of times before and never had this problem (and I really had to go lol). As a side note, I live in Colorado and I have never seen a full service gas station anywhere in my state. And for the couple people calling me stupid about my "lack of a budget", I bought my dad a nice Father's Day gift and so after paying all my bills I was left with basically nothing. The attendant refused to admit that he had put it on the wrong pump so I called the company (Shell for those wondering) and they had the store GM come out to avoid getting the police involved. It took him an hour to show up and the attendant was being an ass the whole time. Cameras showed the GM that the attendant made the mistake (even though he was still trying to deny it). Finally after about 2 hours the GM filled my tank up and gave me a gas card for the 50 as an apology. And he ended up firing the attendant for his lack of professionalism. Sorry for the long reply everyone but thanks for the good wishes and taking the time to share your input! Definitely going to pump my gas first next time.

Top comments

They must be able to give you a refund? Otherwise, complain to the manager, which will make the attendant post a FML!

Why didn't you pump your gas before using the restroom? Even if they put it on the right pump, someone could have walked up and taken the gas.


You need to complain to someone about that mistake, you did not mess up, therefore you should not be held accountable. Also, try to plan out your money better. If you are literally running out of money 5 days before your paycheck, but you still have a computer/phone then something is not right.

I don't think you are entitled to judge the way OP spends money. Obviously, he had just enough for the things he needed, and maybe that's all that matters to him. Stop being judgemental.

who's to say he doesn't plan a budget? unexpected things happen, and these things often cost money, I can't speak fir where you or OP live, but here in Australia, if I'm unlucky enough to blow a tyre, I can be up to $200 out of pocket, that's a decent chunk of my pay gone in a split second. Don't judge situations you don't fully understand.

Most adults with jobs have a legitimate need for a phone. And if you're sharing an apartment or live on your own, a cell is much more convenient than a landline that sits in one place and you have to manually check for messages on a fairly regular basis. If you're out and someone tries to call you in for an extra shift, assuming you want it, you're shit out of luck. As for computers, they're a primary screen for many people these days. The only reason I personally even have a television is to plug my gaming systems into.

The station is mandated to fix it by giving you the gas you paid for

No.... No it's not! Because then you jersey people venture out of your little corner of hell into other states, and don't know how to pump gas, at all.... You look at the pump like it's an alien and more then half can't seem to figure it out. And I'm sorry but I don't have the time in my day being the only person working at my store on my shift, to make everyone else in line wait so I can't go show you how to go pump gas...

move to NJ. it's illegal to pump your own gas here and thanks to the in state refineries our prices are still cheaper then a good majority of the country

Well, you made someone else very happy..... though I hope you got it sorted out

I'd demand a refund, that's a total ripoff, the attendant messed up they should have to eat it

paramor3 23

Oh snap....public transportation is your friend until pay day.

is public transportation free where you're from? he used the last of his money

Write to the company's executives.... Tell them what happened, because I'm sure the attendant didn't rectify the situation, because that would have come out of his pocket. Most companies like that have cameras, and I'm sure it was caught on camera that you paid and didn't personally get the gas, and at the same time, the other car received gas and never paid for it.... They should reimburse you, if not, take your business elsewhere