
By IgiveUp - 28/05/2021 06:01

Today, I went out to eat with my friends. When the bill came, all 3 of them had "inconveniently" forgot their wallets at home. I ended up having to pay. It was a $178 check. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 108
You deserved it 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Suaria 38

Send them a request through Venmo, Cashapp, Paypal, etc. There's other ways for them to pay you back

You could have asked for separate checks and then just paid yours and let the freeloaders deal with their own problem. The chances that all three of them actually didn’t carry their wallets is pretty slim. I would say either get new friends or always ask for separate checks at the beginning of the meal no matter what these jerks say. You seem to be the group patsy - They are not friends.


Suaria 38

Send them a request through Venmo, Cashapp, Paypal, etc. There's other ways for them to pay you back

I wouldn’t have paid. All my friends know f it’s being split and they “forget” the wallet, won’t pay for them.

You could have asked for separate checks and then just paid yours and let the freeloaders deal with their own problem. The chances that all three of them actually didn’t carry their wallets is pretty slim. I would say either get new friends or always ask for separate checks at the beginning of the meal no matter what these jerks say. You seem to be the group patsy - They are not friends.

That’s when you have the server split the checks.

Kinda sounds like you never pay so they all banded together and got you back.