By Dreadge - 15/01/2010 19:37 - Israel

Today, I went to an amusement park with my family. A couple of cute girls started talking to me, telling me how much they liked my dreads. Seeing this, my mother stepped up next to me, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "This here is my little baby, treat him nicely!" Thanks, Mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 825
You deserved it 4 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29
txgirl09 5


Am I weird for thinking this is kind of cute?

perdix 29

My answer is either "no" or I am also weird in the same way (a distinct possibility). To me, it looks like mom is a great wingman. "Treat him nicely?" Come on! She's practically telling the girls to schtup him!

the_sodomizer 0

why do you have dreads? they look retarded and are ******* nasty

thaat suucks , my mom wouuld NEVER do thaat(:

ILoveBlair 0

Probably the exitement that her son finally got her a girl, she would back off right?

tobyraza 0

That is the exact reason I can never have a girlfriend. FYL and FML

showtimen0w 0

This isn't horrible. This is parents be stereotypical with their kids, and their kid's love life.

ayy thats kinda cutee. at least you know youre mom really _wuhvs_ you. hehe