By Dreadge - 15/01/2010 19:37 - Israel

Today, I went to an amusement park with my family. A couple of cute girls started talking to me, telling me how much they liked my dreads. Seeing this, my mother stepped up next to me, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "This here is my little baby, treat him nicely!" Thanks, Mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 825
You deserved it 4 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29
txgirl09 5


dreads r gross. they were probably having a laff with u

Aww I think that's cute! I like boys who are close to their mums!

rocknrolla21 0
MetalCraze 11

Dreads are digusting they are just clumps of unwashed hair

Oh my god. You must be kidding. Dreads are so ******* hot. I always go for guys with dreads.

shalizzz 0

For everybody saying YDI for having dreads: The poster is from Israel, so English is probably not his first language. Most people like that (including me) call any "African" hairstyle (or whatever the general term is for those hairstyles that include twists and braids and look best on African hair) "dreads", although they each have a different, specific name. My point is, the OP's "dreads" might be just some sort of braids. And a lot of Middle Eastern men wear such a hairstyle because they generally have very coarse, very thick hair that is impossible to manage otherwise. OP: FYL

ghadir 2

I'm arab and i have manageable hair..

Okay first, I know white guys with cute dreads. Second, let's not stereotype talking style. Third, I think it's kinda cute that your mom said that.

I have friends that are white that have racist to assume that only black folks have about the singer of Counting Crows, singer of Rage Against the Machine, and the singer Trevor Hall?!?! I do have to agree though, that person wit da gramma like dis be a bit krazzzy! haha! seriously...learn how to speak...and type...kthanksbye.

shalizzz 0

I assume that comment was for me......And I'm by NO mean racist! First, my grandparents on by father's side are Turkish (which qualifies as Middle Eastern, so I couldn't be a racist when it comes to my own ethnie, could I????) and they and my dad have what people generally qualify as "African hair", and my hair is coarse and curly, but not as much as theirs, because my mom is of German descent. Secondly, I have a lot of great friends that are from the Middle East or Africaand who have come to my country to go to Med School (since it's one of the EU countries that has some of the lowest school taxes, yet the diploma is recognized in the entire EU) and almost all of them either have very very very short hair or braids and stuff. And they all call their braids dreads. Thirdly, it's not racist to assume that someone in Israel has Middle Eastern features. F**k, is it racist to asume that an OP from Portugal has Hispanic features or that an OP from a Scandinavian country has lighter hair, skin and eyes colour? Diversity is what makes people beautiful! Lastly, I said that those kind of hairstyles look BEST on people that have what is generally referred to as "African hair". And, frankly, few white guys look good in dreads. Personally, I just think they look weird (that is my personal opinion, I'm NOT stating a fact)

waterynuggets 0

"so I couldn't be a racist when it comes to my own ethnie, could I????" I can haz internalized racism.

yusaku02 20
YeahFMLxX 0

gfya dread head :D you are yo mammys babau till yuh die brahh get dem girls and put it in day stanly hoellll!

APdrum 0

moms can get you points with the ladies... sometimes...