By Talented73 - 20/07/2016 02:54 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I went to a local Asian restaurant where this adorable Japanese girl works as a server. We had formed a friendship and I was hoping for something more, but I decided to play "hard-to-get" for the last couple of weeks. When I went there today, the place was closed. Permanently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 891
You deserved it 14 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hah, this is why you don't play games. YDI

And she played the ultimate "hard-to-get". FYL


ezrajab 22

Never play those kind of games! YDI op

dragoongirl90 34

Okay, children, this is a lesson. There is no dating game. Only kids play games. Adults are clear about what they want.

Looks like it's going to get harder to find her in the first place. FYL

Next time, maybe say something instead of playing games. YDI, dude.

Not until you've secured some information at least. Cause why regret later?

Post in "Missed Connections" on your city's craiglist page! :) Hope you find them OP!

If you like someone, don't be coy. That is irritating. Maybe had you not played hard to get she would have told you it was closing and you could have got her number.

So, if someone isn't playing hard to get does that mean they're easy? I feel like there should be some middle ground between these two extremes...

have you try ask the neighbourhood regarding the place and whereabouts?

If a guy tries to play hard to get for me, I move on. I'm not wasting my damn time on that dumb shit, just be honest how you feel about me. Same in reverse. I'm not gonna waste a guys time by leading him on, playing hard to get, etc. I will tell him straight up. I never understood why people feel the need to play games or test people.