By Anonymous - 08/11/2010 01:13 - United States

Today, I went shopping with my new "It's true, I'm a Ninja" shirt on. Suddenly an apple comes and hits me right in the eye. A little boy runs up to me, yells "You aren't a Ninja! A Ninja would have caught that!", and runs off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 320
You deserved it 65 357

Same thing different taste

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<3 these comments and i agree with every single one saying YDI. thank you internet for makng my monday morning less shitty.! win by that little kid!

change the shirt for one that says "it's true, I am a douche bag".

Wow. Your life is shit. I'd kill myself right now if I were you. No one can hold an FML to what you have experience. I will weep and pray for you.

Quest_ 13

I don't get the excessive amount of YDI-happy posters here, does someone really deserve having an apple hurled at their eye by some little brat simply for going grocery shopping a slightly silly t-shirt?

beanstar11 5

a real ninja would have even been seen... just saying

ninjas had to have their dicks cut off. I don't know why you would wanna be a ninja

Well seeing as the OP is female, that wouldn't really apply to her. She found the loophole. It's just too bad that she sucks at dodging apples…