By Anonymous - 28/07/2009 06:03 - United States

Today, I went on a group job interview, where all the applicants seem to have the same qualifications. When the interviewer dismissed all of us but the prettiest girl, outraged, I told him he was a prejudiced pig, and should be ashamed of himself. Apparently she was the only one who had a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 747
You deserved it 58 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Assumption, the mother of all **** ups. Get some self-esteem, stat.

Guess you won't be considered in the future then, will you?


Well, that's ridiculous. Even if he did pick who you thought was the prettiest, beauty is subjective and he might not have felt the same way. He probably wasn't even considering it. Of course, you completely deserve it for flying off the handle like that. Grow up.

I think I saw something out the window. Your dignity!

yeagerdarling 0

You're the kind of woman who gives woman a bad name. You obviously cover your disappointments with a feeling of being the victim. I guarantee you have never held down a long term job or relationship.

letitbe56 0

Agreed. The OP is indulging in a solipsistic, NOT a feministic way of thinking.

If you get the job, it's because you're the most qualified. If you don't get the job, the employer is obviously prejudiced.

AntiChrist7 0

ugly people have so much anger in them...

I love how all of the people knocking OP, and supporting the "pretty girl" are then stating that they themselves are also beautiful. Someone with as much spite and self delusion as you have probably isn't very pleasing in the looks department. May I also remind you that the post is anonymous, who knows if this is a man or a woman. @OP: You deserve it for being a mouthy bitch. Your lack of reliable transportation is the number one reason it will be difficult for you to find employment. It's a predicament, that's for sure.

fangssUP 0

i dont understand what went on..?

it's not always about you bitch. I'm sure most of the time the prettiest girls outqualify you, especially with that attitude.

jaredjc51 0

'Tis better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.