By Anonymous - 28/07/2009 06:03 - United States

Today, I went on a group job interview, where all the applicants seem to have the same qualifications. When the interviewer dismissed all of us but the prettiest girl, outraged, I told him he was a prejudiced pig, and should be ashamed of himself. Apparently she was the only one who had a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 742
You deserved it 58 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Assumption, the mother of all **** ups. Get some self-esteem, stat.

Guess you won't be considered in the future then, will you?


If you were pretty, you'd have a car, too.

SomeKind0fRobot 0

Where you mad in highschool when all the pretty girls all got boyfriends and went out on dates and you were home on the weekends with the only men I'm your life "Ben & Jerry" maybe if you took a litter care of yourself you'd have a job and a husband, but if your happy with your 50 cats and unused gym membership who am I to judge? YDI for still being mad at highschool.

I agree, #56, it was actually physically painful to try and read that comment. I don't mind one or two mistakes, but...

FYLs for giving a shit! Seriously, it's the internet. You can't expect everyone to spend time learning rules they were never taught in school. Maybe they have better things to do, or better things to care about. Maybe you could say something constructive instead of bitching about grammar, which I'm sure you only do because you have nothing else to say.

Better things to do like... read and comment on FML? Yeah, okay.

L0veh8te 0

I could see a girl getting hired just for her good looks, You have something to look at @ the office. But its not always the case and you over reacted and made yourself look like an ass. Its their company and they could hire who they want. Good looks do get you places, that why some people hate the beautiful people. =) Number 17, is right because its not always the case.

honeydoodles 0

Actually, what happened still means the interviewer is prejudiced, unless having a car is somehow directly related to the job. I thought for job interviews, unless the job specifically requires driving, they were only allowed to ask if you had reliable transportation, not what that transportation is.

They all apparently had the same qualifications, and they have to chose based on something. Someone who isn't going to have to rely on public transport to get to work on time(which can be a big problem in some places) and who will be able to perhaps run the occasional errand is a pretty good way to decide.

Supposing all the applicants were exactly the same, who wouldn't pick the prettiest?

lmmmr 0

If all applicants are exactly the same, there wouldn't BE a prettiest. Also, it would make more sense for an employer to choose the most responsible, intelligent or reliable candidate over the prettiest. But OP was WAY out of line to assume that she got the job based on her appearance. You have to have serious self-esteem issues for that to be your automatic assumption. Grow up, OP. Some people are just "better" than you.

philly8608 0

If everyone "seem[ed] to have the same qualifications," I fail to see why the interviewer should be ashamed of himself/herself anyway. Perhaps they could only hire one person or something that wasn't asked about in the interview was a deciding point (like a car). OP, might want to look up "prejudice" which is forming an opinion before the facts are known (hence the pre- portion of the word). What you did was prejudicial as you assumed that someone else was hired because the interviewer like to have eye candy around the office. YDI for being a prejudicial hypocrite.

letitbe56 0

The OP is NOT a feminist. She basically assumes here that a pretty girl couldn't possibly be singled out for any reason other than her looks. That way of thinking is incredibly sexist.

letitbe56 0

From Wikipedia: "Feminazi is a pejorative term used to characterize feminists." I get what you're saying, but some people don't draw a distinction. I also don't like terms that compare people who want equality for women with the people responsible for the Holocaust.

Well at the point we are at now, women have the exact same rights as men (Unless you live in the non-Western world). Women can hold any job a man can, women can say whatever they like, women can vote, women have just about any right a man has. At it's origin, feminism was an admirable cause to get women to this point. Modern feminism has become something that is used to degrade men, cal lthem perverts, chauvinists (sp?), pigs, etc. Modern feminism does not do anything to make women's rights equal to those of men; it has become a ideology more suited towards making women superior to men. And before I get bleeding-hearts telling me I am cold and heartless, please reread my comment and see what I said about original feminism. So in a way, yes, feminists can be appropriateky labeled as feminazis.

alex_vik 0

I guess you hate the term "Grammar Nazi" then too, right?

eeee93757 0

Im with 65....modern feminism is creating more INequality than equality. I just want to ask one question, please answer girls. If provoked, do you think it's ok for a boy to hit a girl?

I was really just pointing out that 27 wasn't talking about feminism. I think the term feminazi is more used for someone acting unreasonably and using feminism as their excuse. And modern feminism still certainly has a place 65. Just not as much of a place as someone who could be termed a feminazi thinks it does.

#65, #69, The same is pretty much true of race, religion, sexuality and a few other minority groups. Certainly in the UK they're so over the top with political correctness and equality that we, ironically, do not have equality anymore.

73 - I've been in the UK a couple of times this year, and in my short visits there I've still seen racism and religious discrimination in public. I really hate that attitude when people see any previously oppressed group getting any special attention and suddenly feel it takes away from their rights. It doesn't.

lmmmr 0

thecapitalist, I suggest you do some more research. I would direct you to the pay scales of men vs. women in just about any particular feild, the availablity and affordability of healthcare for men vs. women, the availability and affordability of insurance for men vs, women, not to mention the treatment of those not protected by "civilized" Western law (which I am aware that you specified, but such inhumanities simply can't be so easily overlooked.) You are not qualified to define modern feminism when you clearly have little grasp of the reality of it. Educate yourself before you speak, please.

Yes, #75, I'm sure you're amply qualified to comment on the affairs of a country you admit to having visited twice this year, for only a short period of time. I didn't say 'there is no racism in the UK' I didn't say 'here in the UK nobody is discriminatory'.

Women in my field get payed the same as men so maybe you need to do some research. You sound as retarded as that guy who said "a black man in the white house will not make up for 400 years of American history." feminists are just as bad as black people who are still blaming the white man for slavery decades later, and most people now never were slaves. If anyone needs a civil rights movement it's the gay people. Oh and honestly I don't care about what is happening to anyone in any other country right now. Why should I care? Why should they care about me, or you?

My point was 85... That even in the short amount of time I've spent there I've noticed it's still prevalent in your country, while people like you claim that you're so over the top with political correctness it's not equal to non-minority groups.

86 - America still has a very big racism problem, and if you want to post on the internet, you need to realise it's a global community and not caring about "any other country" as if everyone here is from America, isn't going to get you respect at all. It's a pretty disgusting attitude that you think the rights of Americans are more important that the rights of people from other countries simply because you were born in the same place.

lmmmr 0

"Women in my field get payed the same as men so maybe you need to do some research." Statistically speaking, this is very probably false. And it's "paid". "feminists are just as bad as black people who are still blaming the white man for slavery decades later, and most people now never were slaves." most people now never were slaves... Your intelligence is astonishing. "If anyone needs a civil rights movement it's the gay people." Agreed. Luckily equality and decency are not limited resources. There's enough to go around. "I don't care about what is happening to anyone in any other country right now" You are a horrible, horrible, horrible person, and I am ashamed that you are human.

letitbe56 0

Alex_vik- I'm not a fan of the term grammar nazi, or really using the term "Nazi" at all to describe people who aren't actually Nazis. But I don't care enough to mention it to people who use those terms. The term "faminazi" however, I do actually have a serious problem with. thecapitalist- Feminism is certainly still necessary in our society. Look at the ratio of female to male tenured faculty at any major university, particularly in the sciences. Look at the ratio of women to men in Congress. Right now, in the House, there are 435 representatives, and 75 of them are women. Out of 100 senators, only 17 are women. Yet there are more females than males in the US. Feminism has made a lot of progress, yes, but we still have a long way to go. Moreover, if you can cite me any examples of men facing true discrimination, I will be very surprised.

discrimination against men is not common and is far less serious than discrimination against women, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist at all. in Israel, women used to get a small tax benefit just because they were female. not because they were pregnant, raising kids or married. just female. this is discriminatory towards men. men serve 3 years in the army, vs. 2 years for women. women can get out of compulsory military service by stating they are pacifist (even though they'll go through a lot before the army accepts that claim) - men cannot. there are a whole bunch of things there, I could keep on going. however, this isn't quite the same as how pregnancy is treated like a disease, and women who are pregnant get fired and can barely find a job, or having small kids is like a chronic disease. (for women, not men with small children), how a small portion of the people seem to think that women are unable to study or belong in the kitchen.

letitbe56 0

I see your point. Did you notice though, that even though those things you mention effectively discriminate against men, they're based on assumptions about women being the inferior sex?

Why should I care about anyone else? You think the hardcore jihad guys care about you? No. They would rather kill you. If you think random people in other countries care one bit about you you are mistaken. The starting pay in my field is 34.00 wether your a man or woman. Don't assume. The human race is like a cancer. Once the cancer kills the host we all die. Hey we have something in common. I am ashamed to call you a human too. If only we could all die off. Yes my spelling is atrocious. I never went to college. Eat it immmr :)

letitbe56 0

Nightfallz- So... you don't mind being just like a racist, misogynistic religious extremist? You're implying that they make good models for behavior and attitude? If for no other reason, you should care what happens in the world because it affects the economy, which in turn affects you. Also, if you never went to college, it explains why there's little pay inequity in your field. Ironically and unfortunately, the pay-gap increases with the level of education attained.

@#99 "Did you notice though, that even though those things you mention effectively discriminate against men, they're based on assumptions about women being the inferior sex?" Are you ******* kidding me. Men get paid more, it's sexism against women. Women get paid more (indirectly; less income tax means you bring more home), and again it's sexism against women. What the **** ISN'T?

letitbe56 0

fudrick- My post (#99) was in response to the post directly above it. For your convenience, I have included the part that I was responding to here: "in Israel, women used to get a small tax benefit just because they were female. not because they were pregnant, raising kids or married. just female. this is discriminatory towards men. men serve 3 years in the army, vs. 2 years for women. women can get out of compulsory military service by stating they are pacifist (even though they'll go through a lot before the army accepts that claim) - men cannot. there are a whole bunch of things there, I could keep on going." What could this be based on but an idea that women are weaker than men?

shakemup 0

I ******* can't stand people who immediately jump to the wrong conclusion like that and get straight on the attack. if you'd asked politely why the interviewer felt she should get the job, fine.. but jumping straight on your high horse is never a good idea. Similar thing happened to me where I used to work, I had to assign a day's work to one member of the part time crew, choosing out of 2 possibles. I picked the better qualified guy and got accused in front of all my subordinates of only giving the shift to him because he's my friend. The accuser got very little work assigned after that, as I felt his professionalism was severely in doubt. The moral of the story is DO NOT play the discrimination card if you can't back it up.

if u all have the same qualifications, wats wrong with picking the prettiest girl? should he have given it to you because you were ugly?