Such a Samantha

By heartbroken - 07/05/2023 22:00

Today, I excitedly told my best friends I was pregnant. Their responses were, "Ewww, I hate babies", "So we're not getting brunch anymore? That sucks" and "Do you need an abortion? I know a great clinic." Not one of them congratulated me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 073
You deserved it 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, if you want a child and are ready to raise a child they can be a blessing. You get to see the world again through the eyes of a child as they grow… But not everyone is on the same page - And often people’s interest and values change as they get older. Don’t necessarily expect your childless friends to be excited about this news. As your situation in life changes we often make new friends who share more of our viewpoint… My Mom has told me that her family did not express love very openly, even within the family. She says that when she had her first child (me) that then she felt what it was to really love someone with all your heart. Mom says that she resolved to be more expressive of her love than her own parents had been. I always knew I was loved by my Mom, Dad, and grandparents. Be advised that though there are some real joys from becoming a parent, but it’s also very difficult at times. You will need family and a partner as you go through this like never before.

It would be nice if they could be happy for you, but they're not obligated to be. If that's unacceptable to you, later on you will have opportunities to make new friends with the other parents from Lamaze class and daycare.


You need better friends. Even if they personally don’t like kids they could’ve at least acknowledged that it is something *you* want.

OP, if you want a child and are ready to raise a child they can be a blessing. You get to see the world again through the eyes of a child as they grow… But not everyone is on the same page - And often people’s interest and values change as they get older. Don’t necessarily expect your childless friends to be excited about this news. As your situation in life changes we often make new friends who share more of our viewpoint… My Mom has told me that her family did not express love very openly, even within the family. She says that when she had her first child (me) that then she felt what it was to really love someone with all your heart. Mom says that she resolved to be more expressive of her love than her own parents had been. I always knew I was loved by my Mom, Dad, and grandparents. Be advised that though there are some real joys from becoming a parent, but it’s also very difficult at times. You will need family and a partner as you go through this like never before.

At least your child won't know anything about climate change ... it will always be awful for them. Maybe you'll tell them about democracy before it was canceled.

Why haven’t you been banned, yet? All you do is go around making offensive “jokes” on every post. For years.

I’m guessing none of these people will be your friends after the kid is born.

It would be nice if they could be happy for you, but they're not obligated to be. If that's unacceptable to you, later on you will have opportunities to make new friends with the other parents from Lamaze class and daycare.

So…it’s okay that they said, “Eww?” What kind of response is that to an happy, expecting parent? Why are more commenters sympathizing with the OP’s “friends?”

TomeDr 24

The good news is that you’ll soon be able to join a group made up of new moms. You’ll all be able to learn and support each other, unlike your old friends.

I mean, the y are kinda right but congratulations on a big responsibility!

“They are kind of right?” What is wrong with you?

I’m so sorry. You definitely need new friends. They should have seen that you were excited and congratulated you. Had you looked anxious, they should have discussed the situation with you in a sensitive and supportive way. They made light of a very serious thing.