By Rizma - 27/11/2014 15:12 - France - Gr?ces

Today, I went off for a jog. Outside, I saw my really cute neighbour, so in an effort to appear sporty, I accelerated and kept my head up. As I got close, I smiled at him, just when a huge fly flew right up my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 488
You deserved it 79

Top comments

Mind your own business, you nosey ******* fly!

Trying to look sporty, that's a new phrase. Meh it's gross but so high in protein. It'll help you build up that sportiness


Trying to look sporty, that's a new phrase. Meh it's gross but so high in protein. It'll help you build up that sportiness

The op is from France, maybe that's a regular term they use... hmm

Eww sorry OP :( good luck with impressing your neighbour!

I honestly thought that the square behind your head was your hair. But thank god it wasn't.

OMG HA HA HA it looks like it doesn't it :/ I need to change that

the fly was all like "oh trying to imrpess someone? let me **** your shit up"

euphoricness 28

I guess the fly thought you were a bit snotty!