By Peaches - 22/02/2017 12:00 - United States - Tucker

Today, I was informed that I was let go from my job for not showing up for a week. A week I'd scheduled off, that management had approved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 541
You deserved it 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have it in writing? If not, there's not much you can do. If you do, go to HR and possibly a lawyer.

alternative-facts 6

What Nabexis said. If you have a paper trail, and can prove that they authorized the time off ahead of time, they can't fire you. It's illegal.


Do you have it in writing? If not, there's not much you can do. If you do, go to HR and possibly a lawyer.

alternative-facts 6

What Nabexis said. If you have a paper trail, and can prove that they authorized the time off ahead of time, they can't fire you. It's illegal.

Maybe things went better when you weren't there.

Maybe things went better when you weren't there.

Maybe things went better when you weren't there.

species4872 19

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

species4872 19

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

lilchica22001 22

At least we all have the opportunity to downvote your comment 3x. Since it sucked that badly!

As always, I get very confused and curious at what seems like a complete lack of workers' rights in the world. If you have an employment in Sweden, it's extremely hard to get fired unless there's a shortage of work and then there are strict rules to follow in the decision of who has to quit in a few months. In FML posters life tho, it seems like your boss can basically ask you to do anything and if you don't do it, you're fired on the spot.

Yes in most of states in the USA, all employment is at will and they don't need a reason to fire someone, they can for any reason as long as it's not discrimination.

Glaceia 10

On top of that they can still fire you for discriminatory reasons too, all they got to do is say they are getting rid of you for some other BS reason. Then good luck proving it was actually discrimination.

Glaceia 10

On top of that they can still fire you for discriminatory reasons too, all they got to do is say they are getting rid of you for some other BS reason. Then good luck proving it was actually discrimination.

Contact HR. In fact, that might even be grounds for an Unlawful Termination suit.

Yup, I always filled out the time off request form, had my boss sign it and then make a xerox copy for myself before handing it in.

If you have texts/emails/forms regarding the vacation time and its approval, you have a very good wrongful termination case there. Sorry it happened.