By fisherman - 23/01/2010 10:12 - United States

Today, I went fishing with friends looking to catch big redfish. During the trip, one of the men caught a 50 pound monster which I put away. At the end of the trip they wanted to take a picture with it. I went to wash off the fish in the water. Apparently the fish wasn't dead and swam away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 934
You deserved it 35 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I fish for redfish commercially, and I know that they may appear dead for hours however some still stay alive. they are tough bastards, and they are freakin sharp

Tromboneguy29 0

Just a fish? Have you ever caught a 50 pound redfish? That's definently a big deal. But anyway, you shouldv made sure it was dead. FYL


mandlebrot 0

Been there done that got the tshirt

yourlifesfucked 0

whoever decided to wash a fish for a damn picture is a tard, and whoever thought the ****** ocean was the best place to do it is an even bigger tard. total ydi

Fuckimlazy 0

the world record redfish was 94 lbs, 2 ozs and was caught off of cape hatteras NC. I caught a 64 lb redfish off of point chavalle, LA on a fly rod. that is my biggest accomplishment

I bet your friends were mad!!! I love fishing. haha

nice strategy fish by prentending fainting! YDI for getting owned by a fish

I think the fish had quite a win that day. He deserved to live after that ordeal.

why would you stick it back in the water to wash it off when you were going to keep it!! fish will stay alive for a pretty long time out of water!! but I guess you didn't know that dummy!!