By kaichennnxx - 17/03/2009 02:09 - United States

Today, I was with my grandma waiting in a line. She only speaks Chinese and there was a black man in front of us talking his phone. My grandma tells me that the black man's really loud and annoying. The man finishes and turns and said fluently in Chinese, "What's wrong with loud black men?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 249
You deserved it 31 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow hardly anyone can speak chinese fluently nowadays.

You know it sounds like Mr. Black man was more annoyed by the fact that granma specifically mentioned that he was black. My grandma doesnt speak English either and she would have said the exact same thing. Has anyone seen that "Professor Badass" picture that floats around the net? Thats the picture I have in my mind for this guy.


I remember when making an order at Tim Horton's one day in Gatineau (A city in Quebec that shares provincial borders with Ottawa), and I made my order in English. At which point, the **** behind the counter goes to the back while saying "Stupid English people" in French. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, I went said to my friend "Damn French people, eh?". Her face matched her hair after that.

Makinitez 0
dragoon9401 0

My grandma does this all the time, she also only speaks chinese

How does OP deserve it? Her grandma embarassed her while she was standing innocently in line, minding her own business.

Today, I posted an FML about my grandmother embarassing me, the ratio of FYL to YDI is 3:2. I didnt even do anything. FML.

caomei 0

an African American speaking fluent Chinese? damn he probably knows more than me...

theneenja 0
redbeater 5

People that talk shit about others in a other language are true assholes. Good thing it was your mother and not you.

grandma aren't racist it's just that alot of asian grandmas use that way to describe a person that doesn't make them racist... and grandmas don't get alot of education back in their time so they think it's hard to go to school so just because they were here for ages doesn't mean they dare to go learn don't be hatin on this grandma for those people who r for these reasons..