By kaichennnxx - 17/03/2009 02:09 - United States

Today, I was with my grandma waiting in a line. She only speaks Chinese and there was a black man in front of us talking his phone. My grandma tells me that the black man's really loud and annoying. The man finishes and turns and said fluently in Chinese, "What's wrong with loud black men?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 249
You deserved it 31 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow hardly anyone can speak chinese fluently nowadays.

You know it sounds like Mr. Black man was more annoyed by the fact that granma specifically mentioned that he was black. My grandma doesnt speak English either and she would have said the exact same thing. Has anyone seen that "Professor Badass" picture that floats around the net? Thats the picture I have in my mind for this guy.


#4 ya not that many people. Just over 1/6 of the WORLDS population.

you go #100. Im black and i speak and write in Chinese. Its pretty cool

WIN! Goes to show you that you should be careful about speaking in other languages. No telling who knows what simply because of skin color.

hahahhaha i swear so many people are now fluent in chinese! it makes me happy that others are finally interested in a culture and language that ive appreciated for so long...but now my parents wont talk with me in chinese about the people around us like we used to....its no fun =[

i'd say that it's a general misconception that maybe people just don't think black people can speak any other language than english-i'm black and I started 5 different languages (latin, italian, french, spanish and mandarin) and only decided to master spanish due to my profession....which is kinda funny to see people look at me when I talk to spanish-speaking people, and even funnier when people ask me where i'm from b/c they assume i'm dominican or cuban. but it's mostly useful when people talk about you, like with # 100....i had a group of guys talking about my "onion-shaped booty" and what they'd do with it before I equalized them in seamless spanish

AnaMaree 0

Your grandmother is a racist and by association, so are you. YDI

lisafannypack 0

first of all, he is NOT a racist just by association- i have to admit that my parents are slightly racist sometimes, and i am very offended by it, i wouldn't consider myself racist at all and idk, it doesn't really sound like the grandma is even being racist to me. all she did was call him a black man, her point was that he was annoying, not that he was black, and the OP gave us no reason to assume that he was annoying BECAUSE he was black

ohhhhshizzz 0

#116: I so understand, I have so many spanish, french, and chinese speaking friends/bffs that I'm starting to learn them. I know a lot of spanish, I'm gonna take french next year and over the summer latin & chinese online! It is cool.

go Black guy xD, ur grandma shouldnt have said that so im glad she got told

favorited. I can't even picture a black person speaking chinese. it's enough of a shock when white people come up to me and start speaking it.

I can't wait until I'm fluent in mandarin hahaha, I love it it's such a great language, being bilingual would be the shit hahaha