By Andrew - 24/09/2010 10:22 - United States

Today, I was watching TV with my grandpa, and he stopped flipping channels on a movie with a hot naked chick getting oiled down. Suddenly the remote landed on my stomach as my mom and grandma walked in. They yelled at me for being a pervert, while my grandpa sat and chuckled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 261
You deserved it 4 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Smooth move for grandpa! Weren't you watching it with him?

This is one of the funniest FMLs I have ever read.


lol I will gladly trade grandpas with you!

lol ur grandpa is the man, that's some seriously funny shit!

blahzz 4
jkgfdxb 0

ahahah your grandpa is straight up gangsta. just tell your mommy and grandma you cant controll your raging hormones. that got my brother out of alot of stuff.

This is why I'm bummed that you have to have kids in order to get grandkids. Pulling shit like this on them would be so much fun. I need nieces and nephews.

Parents always do that. I swear they walk in at the worst possible times. On purpose. And then they just assume they know what was going on and then you can't ever convince them otherwise. Sorry OP. That sucks but your grandpa is awesome!