By ugly - 07/04/2009 23:34 - United States

Today, I was volunteering at a school. There's this really bratty boy there and he was being rude, so I joked, "How are you ever gonna get a girlfriend when you're so mean?" He responds, "I think the better question is how are you ever gonna get a boyfriend when you're so ugly." He's 7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 473
You deserved it 93

Top comments

mychemro_kiss 2

XD. He won. Hands DOWN. *pats back* Cookie?


snoopy24_fml 0

LOL number 6/10, i didn't notice the miscount until you pointed it out.

I think teasing little kids about their potential lack of life partner is one of the cruelest things you can do. I'm sorry, but you may have deserved this one.

smack the little shit right across the face... then tell him he's adopted... and his mother hates him, thats why they sent him to school

Little kids are brutal. If they had the access to weaponry and power that some of us 'adults' have, we'd be exponentially more ****** than we are now, as impossible as that is to imagine.

alkfjdf 0

you said he was being rude so he was probably just saying that to be mean. dont take what a 7 year old says too seriously

RiverRelic 0
thatoneguy1812 0

The proper reply? "I have these *flash* you don't."

Ox_Baker 0

This is a complete YDI. You should be fired.