By ugly - 07/04/2009 23:34 - United States

Today, I was volunteering at a school. There's this really bratty boy there and he was being rude, so I joked, "How are you ever gonna get a girlfriend when you're so mean?" He responds, "I think the better question is how are you ever gonna get a boyfriend when you're so ugly." He's 7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 473
You deserved it 93

Top comments

mychemro_kiss 2

XD. He won. Hands DOWN. *pats back* Cookie?


He's 7. What the **** does his opinion matter?

you lost to a 7 year old, sink lower please.

kandy_fml 0

I volunteer at an elementary school as well. I think the people here telling you that YDI for letting the kid get to you don't really understand. Even the teachers sometimes get annoyed because of the children's behavior and the kids get to them. Children are bratty, and annoying. But you just have to learn to deal with it in the best possible way. FYL

that child is the shining example of where physical punishment can set a kid straight. Normally I don't condone that sort of thing, but this kid sounds like he needs a solid spanking sessions that lasts... oh, about a year or so...

I agree. Some kids just need a good beating to put them in their place. OP, all I can say is, damn you got beat by a 7 yr old!

You provoked him, rather than taking control of the situation. I work in a daycare, and with kids that young demanding respect, by your words and actions, is much more affective. You deserved it.

quesoesbueno59 0

I think his parents need to have a loooooooong talk with him.

lol damn. tell him he is adopted or santa claus isn't real. come on, your around kids. you need to have a few short yet brutal comebacks to throw in their face when they pull that stuff. next time be prepared!

I hope he then proceeded to kick your ass for being such a whiney bitch and for not expecting this when you work with ******* brats.