By imalilangel05 - 10/02/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, I was tutoring kids at an elementary school. One kid messed up my hair. I said, "Why'd you do that??" He said, "I have lice, now you have lice too!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 102 165
You deserved it 5 791

Same thing different taste


You should have asked him if he had punchface too.

BBAAAHHH that sucks sooo bad. i had lice twice it's the anti fun. OTC stuff works really well now though.

my little sister (then 6) gave me lice at least twice my senior year of high school. it was so embarrassing. the worst part? my family made me treat her and refused to help me with the combing with the special comb you have to do afterwards or later to check if they were actually gone.

keitachi 0

omg that's gonna itch like crazy.

crazycar 0

holy crap that's just f*cked up. but it's hilarious. I cant stop laughing.

CaptainCrunch_fml 0

#25 I don't see how you insult people so much when you spell like such an idiot.

mizled 0

knowingly sending a kid to school with lice is rude and immoral. it also constitutes as neglect in some places...

rustyxpenguin 0

i got lice like 3 years ago. it sucked. mayonaise wrap your head using plastic wrap and leave it in overnight, washing it in the morning. it will be gone and your hair will be super soft and healthy looking. trust me. it works. but that kid is an ass