By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 23:47 - United States

Today, I was trying to swat a wasp in my bedroom. I got so frustrated that I ended up punching myself in the face. The wasp is still here, and now I look like I've been in a brawl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 553
You deserved it 29 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That must really sting. Next time bee more careful.

very_ugly_girl 0

Hey, been awhile since we talked. Wasp do not make that type of sound. I think it is moo


pwnedl0l 5

you PUNCHED yourself.. in the face.. due to frustration? something tells me this is fake.

correction: you: 0 Wasp: over 9000, a free trip on the roflcopter, a place in guiness world records, the local newspaper front page with head line "Wasp make human punch themselves in the face, then dies laughing", and a funeral televised worldwide for such an epic win!

angry_english 0

y did u punch yourself thats retarded

Wait. How do you accidently punch yourself in the face in this scenario