By ihateyouatt - 18/03/2010 13:30 - United States

Today, I was trying to change my PIN code in order to make my phone more secure and prevent people from getting information from it. Instead, I somehow ended up locking my phone permanently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 108
You deserved it 31 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done that before, it's not something that was in the manual for me. If you call your service provider though they usually give you a code to unlock it again. Just don't try guessing that too otherwise your phone will permanantly lock up and you have to mail it in.


Little_Nicky 0

that happend to me to, haha

it happened to me too but i called customer service and they were able to help me unlock it.

tdog_ossim 0

ive done tht... if u goto the fone store they can fix it

This happened once to me too. It tells you you are securing your phone, but then it tells you to type in your password, and if you fet it wrong, it locks up.

lenamartinovic 13

just go to the carrier store. that happened to me over a million times. every time they changed, free of charge.

hockeychick52125 0

that's what happens to me. I had to go to the company my phone is with to get it unlocked..

Omg I had the same thing!!! Then i went to t-mobile and they fixed it.

Shady4Life 0

I know how you feel haha I'm really sorry