By a little less poor at least - 21/04/2013 16:03 - United States - Cleveland

Today, I was trying sell a customer a top-of-the-line surround sound system. Apparently he was aware that I work on commission, as he threatened to buy the system elsewhere unless I sang Rebecca Black's "Friday" in front of the whole store. Goodbye, self-respect. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 278
You deserved it 5 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone has mastered the art of trolling, I see.

Dallyni 22

Man nothing is worth that suffering!


I don't see a problem. This sounds hilarious. Maybe you have too many prides?

"Too many prides"? You mean "too much pride", right?

my_name_is_earl 9
taylor714 7

At least they didnt say you had to sing Justin Beiber

ileenefudge 29

What if OP was asked to sing both? O.o

taylor714 7

*This joke is funny, not.* Borat voice

On the bright side, you met a time traveler from an era where Rebecca Black was relevant. Silver lining. =)

Sale or no, shoulda told him to skin your ****.

CharresBarkrey 15

That sounds extremely painful

I would be willing to sing him the dubstep version.

Feedmyaddiction5 14

Sounds like you got Rebecca Blackmailed.

You know, working on commission is hard enough as it is. If you feel the money is worth it then go for it, but personally that's a little extreme....