By a little less poor at least - 21/04/2013 16:03 - United States - Cleveland

Today, I was trying sell a customer a top-of-the-line surround sound system. Apparently he was aware that I work on commission, as he threatened to buy the system elsewhere unless I sang Rebecca Black's "Friday" in front of the whole store. Goodbye, self-respect. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 278
You deserved it 5 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone has mastered the art of trolling, I see.

Dallyni 22

Man nothing is worth that suffering!


finch01 18

at least you didn't have used the surround sound

onorexveritas 23

I have never heard a Rebecca Black song, so you're safe in my book

I would have said no until he seemed like he really would leave then if I had the power to do so, offer him ten percent off. I work in sales as well and sometimes you can make quick decisions like that if needed.

Spottedfeather 7

I'd be more embarassed if you actually knew the words to the song.

fuckmylife518 15

Did he at least buy the system?

Come on man, did you sing it or not?

What's the problem? I would do that for money. Yay! Money!

So you sold your self respect for some money. You know who else does that and works on commission? Prostitutes. Just something to ponder on.

Are you an idiot? That is harassment and you should know your ******* rights as a worker.