By whitnayfortooh - 04/12/2015 18:26 - United States - Hampton

Today, I was trying to get a piece of apple that was stuck in between my teeth. A chunk of my tooth came out instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 362
You deserved it 2 379

whitnayfortooh tells us more.

I grind my teeth pretty violently at night which caused the chip. Not bad dental hygiene ;)

Top comments

Hey, an apple a day keeps the doctor away... Oh wait... Or not...


Oh god that's sick. New motivation to brush my teeth more.

I grind my teeth pretty violently at night which caused the chip. Not bad dental hygiene ;)

KhaleesiDannie 26

You should get one of those rubber teeth guard things they wear in football I used to grind my teeth when I was little and my mom had me wear one

The same thing happened to me last month but with chips. You just get a filling (I think) and it's pretty easy and painless aside from the shot....which they ****** up mine and numbed both sides so yeah.

mariri9206 32

OP, do you have a night guard? I grind my teeth/mash them/bite them against each other when I sleep and I was super concerned it about it hurting my teeth so I went to my dentist and got a night guard. Perhaps look into getting one, if you don't already?

I started using a mouth bite at night because it turns out I grind my teeth at night too. Maybe you should start using one too.

Hey, an apple a day keeps the doctor away... Oh wait... Or not...

xXShadowStormXx 12

Never said anything about the dentist.

that only applies when you throw them at them.

Next time use floss so you don't a-pull any more teeth out :)

deathstroke990 22

maybe try to be a little bit more gentle

Mathalamus 24

Go to the dentist. They might do something.

They might do something? I thought they got paid to fix teeth?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away but never the dentist, huh.

olpally 32

That made me cringe.. Ahhh get it fixed :/

cheeology 22

....but did you get the apple out?

#24 Unfortunately? Would you want to be missing a piece of your tooth and still have the apple in there?

ber4fun 23

Wouldn't the apple piece disintegrate over time if you couldn't get it out? I think I'd rather choose that than loose a tooth.

anniemeece 23

This is actually among my top fears. Horrifying.

it has always been my greatest fear as well. as I've said before I getting my teeth at night so I have quite a few nightmares of all my teeth falling out. today has sucked.