By IhatebeingtheDD - 15/10/2010 14:08 - United States

Today, I was the designated driver for my friend's 21st birthday. On the way home from the bar, he threw up all the pasta and tequila he'd had onto the back seat of my car, and told me it was part of his whole party plan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 445
You deserved it 4 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Kick his drunk ass out. Tell him that your plan was for him to be raped by a homeless man.


never be a designated driver at parties. it ruines ur car

no one say they deserved it has 66) on it

That is why you take your friend's car

what Fag Like when u have a party set him as the driver and get a dog to pee in a bottle spill it in his car when his not watching and when u get out say Soz I pissed my bad guess I drank 2 much ;)

jbizzle2688 6

You should've kick them out and left them there...