By ohhotdamn - 26/03/2009 02:48 - United States

Today, I was texting two people at once. Trying to respond to my friend's text, I accidentally clicked on this guy's name instead, who I've never met. He just told me about his grandma's funeral he went to that was an open casket. I responded with, "Haha wow you slut, I'm sure you were aroused." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 751
You deserved it 83 015

ohhotdamn tells us more.

ok first of all, i didnt really meant to say id never met him, because i actually did meet him once it was just informal, and i didnt meet him over the internet or something dumb like that. and i think its fixed because i told him the situation with my other friend and he said it was ok. and yes it is very common for girls to call each other ***** as a joke, even though it is kinda dumb to do.

Top comments

If you never met him why would you have him in your cell phone?

upsidedown03 0

WOW dont you feel pretty shitty ???


green_199 0
loopy_fml 0

Shouldn't be talking to strangers.

So was he aroused or not? You didn't finish the story.

first off... u hit reply if ur trying to text two friends at once... why did u have that guys numba in ur cell neways?

#3 - sometimes people send text to a number they think they know, but if they accidentally do like 2 different numbers, it could be another person's phone

buddddy 5

what has it happened to you

haha!!! #13!!!! wow...yeah im gonna make sure that I don't make that mistake in my own future...thanks for the warning! ahaha! priceless. I love that you had to mention the whole arousal part. makes it so much better.

Haaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Let's hope he was a necrophiliac. That's probably the first and last time I'll ever have to say "let's hope he was a necrophiliac."