By babysitter - 26/03/2009 03:45 - United States

Today, I babysat for two little girls, who wanted to play 'mermaids'. I smiled, and said that I would love to play with them. The older girl laughed, saying "You can't be a mermaid. Mermaids are pretty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 447
You deserved it 5 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd have responded back, "and they have to have boobs, so I guess YOU won't be playing! Now let's play a rousing game of hide n' go go hide!" And then I'd have started reading a book.

Guiseppi 0

You should have told her that she was adopted.


Tell them to go play in traffic. And if they won't tell them you will tell their parents that they were very bad and didn't listen to you.

Guiseppi 0

You should have told her that she was adopted.

haha then it would be silent! then you say "pwned."

awesome:) eff thoes little girls, tell them that they can't be mermaids eather because mermaids are pretty.

Colosphe 0

In before "Don't be so ugly" Seriously, wow. Well, innocence is a short step away from cruelty.

I'd have responded back, "and they have to have boobs, so I guess YOU won't be playing! Now let's play a rousing game of hide n' go go hide!" And then I'd have started reading a book.