By Anonymous - 19/04/2015 15:06 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was so sleep-deprived, I thought a white car driving toward me was a polar bear. I screamed like a little girl and started panicking. I live in California. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 755
You deserved it 7 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is exactly why I carry a bottle of coca-cola with me at all times. I never know when I'll need it to bribe a polar bear.

musicnole 8

I really hope you weren't driving...


musicnole 8

I really hope you weren't driving...

She said sleep deprived, not stoned.

It doesn't say which gender.. So how are you supposed to know wether it's a he or a she?

please tell me you're joking #35 ... or can't you see the gender symbol in the upper left corner?

sterling1113 15

This is why they tell you not to drive if you're sleep deprived or on meds. You start to see polar bears.

graveprotecter 18

What would you do for a Klondike bar #38

Lay off the Discovery Channel. That shit will **** you up in sleep deprivation.

This is exactly why I carry a bottle of coca-cola with me at all times. I never know when I'll need it to bribe a polar bear.

Everyone else can go home now. Daily internet's been won.

you just won the whole internet forever #6

It was good, but not that good, calm your ****

katydid91 31

I just remembered those commercials. If you happen to be in an Arctic region, I also suggest bringing some Hostess products.

xluciferx666 21

Happens to the best of us one time I swear I thought a bird was a Articuno and I tried to catch it with my masterball

I think it's time to lay off the acid OP