By pray for me - 15/08/2019 04:00

Today, I'm so broke after my recent divorce that I stole toilet paper from my church. I'm the pastor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 979
You deserved it 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow... I have never commented on this app in all the years I've had this app. but I've been through your shoes before. but just wow. itll get better.

When we give to the Church, that does include the maintenance of the pastor's house and the feeding and caring of the pastor himself. You didn't steal anything; this toilet paper was also there for you.


wow... I have never commented on this app in all the years I've had this app. but I've been through your shoes before. but just wow. itll get better.

Well, when you turn the other cheek, you do need to wipe it!

can you confess to yourself? how many hail Mary's can you give yourself?

gmac91 7

As the pastor, I hope your wife was the one making the divorce happen... I also hope this is a joke and didn't actually steal from your own church. God's commandments do not change with the times.

When we give to the Church, that does include the maintenance of the pastor's house and the feeding and caring of the pastor himself. You didn't steal anything; this toilet paper was also there for you.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

isn't it your church so therefore it's your toilet paper

Whoa there! Does "Thou shalt not steal" ring a bell? I suppose it's better to swipe some TP instead of taking the money from the collection plate. Wait! Don't get any ideas! You'll just have to adjust your budget until you're solvent, again.

is your name pastor chezzarone carter if so then you deserve our 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Mooglefox 23

Think of it like this: the toilet paper in the church is for everyone to use. How you use it is up to you