By Seabiscuit - 06/07/2009 04:03 - United States

Today, I was snuggling in bed with my girlfriend. She was depressed, so I complimented her strong legs, saying they were "like a horse." I spent the next hour and a half trying to stop her crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 489
You deserved it 77 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wandering_fml 0

Dude, some advice; if you EVER compare your girlfriend to an animal, make sure it isn't a huge animal that could be considered an indirect way of calling her fat. And even then, you're taking a big risk. When she's depressed, don't say much. Let her talk. She'll talk herself through it, all she needs is someone to listen to her and hold her. Someone who cares.

Maybe it would be a better idea to just snuggle with her and no stupid comments. If my girlfriend was depressed, I'd kiss her neck and tell her I love her and make her smile and laugh. :) But nice try. :P


It's not like horse legs are huge and fat...I like my strong legs! Men are just clumsy when they try to compliment women.

What kinda compliment is THAT? lol yea.... you gotta work on that. but then at the same time... i think u gotta go find some1 else less whiny and that has a broader imagination. Horse legs arnt that bad.. but thats still a sucky thing to say

Dewers10 0

Hahahahaha same thing happened to me the other day,.....exact same thing!! I feel for you gotta pick your words wisely when it comes to the girls body haha good luck

christopherlove 0

FYL for having such a stupid girlfriend. Why do women insist on leaping to the worst possible conclusion, when it's obvious the way he meant it?

I'm not going to go as far as YDI, but, I'm also not going to say it's an FYL. Only because, every guy should know that comparing his girlfriend to a horse, in any way, is never a good idea.

FAKE It's from the book "Der Vorleser", which has been recently made into an Oscar-winning movie, "The Reader". In the scene, the protagonists are in bed, cuddling, when the former Nazi SS captain asks the teenage boy she's been seeing what animal she reminds him of. He replies "a horse", thinking about her strong legs. This is significant because her nickname in the SS was equine related, and she gets upset. I'm not sure if that particular scene was in the film... I didn't watch it.